Sunday, November 9, 2008


So aside from the dirty living room.... this is how I have managed to keep sane. Aidan is so quick on his hands and knees that I have had to get clever about containing him so that I can sweep, cook, do dishes, etc. etc. I was putting him up into his high chair but he thinks that it is fun to rock it back and forth. He has knocked it over once on me and I caught him before he hit the ground but all the same that idea is out unless I can sit down and wrap my feet around the feet of the chair to keep it steady and sturdy. I hope this doesn't make me a bad mom.... Notice what is on in the back ground? Go NASCAR!!

See he likes it. He is trying to figure out how to climb up the rails of the chair backs. But I think I have at least another week of cooking freedom....

1 comment:

Jordan said...

I miss that boy so much!! I need to take a vacation and come and crash on your couch. And then Aidan and I can play and play and play and then take a nap. :]
He's such a big boy now! Uncle Harrison said that he is proud of him. [But I think it is for the trying to break out of jail thing]