Saturday, November 29, 2008

Baby's First Haircut

Look closely and you can see
the hair coming over his ears.

Cousin Brandi ready to go....

Look at the finished work.
Thanks Brandi! It looks
so good.

According to my grandmother (Aidan's great grandmother) I should have waited until it was much longer to have it cut. I thought about her advice and decided that I am the mommy and it was driving me crazy! Everyone from the theater called me the haircut Nazi. I admit that I hate it when people have shaggy haircuts. I don't mind long hair, but I hate having to watch someone grow their hair out. Especially if they don't keep it well groomed. Washing your hair to fling it around so that it is out of your eyes is not well groomed, in my opinion. When I would wash Aidan's hair it would go down past his little neck and lay on his back. Gross! I love short hair. I love men who part their hair. I love men would do their hair. I want to help Aidan understand this concept early. So I asked Brandi to help me. I held Aidan while she did his hair. He never cried, he never really caused any problems. He did want to see what she was doing for the first little bit, but who wouldn't? Aidan is such a handsome looking baby. And yes, I did save what little bits I could. I think I saved a lot. Tootles until later.


Jordan said...

He is super super handsome. I would love him just the same even if he had no hair. :]
But Brandi did a great job.

Jordan said...

He has the slyest look on his face. He knows he handsome.