Thursday, November 6, 2008

A baby or a monkey? And the Bennett's!!!

My baby boy is no longer a baby. This is am learning the hard way. Aidan is so strong and learning so much so fast it is unnerving. Aidan's newest tricks are standing up all by himself. He is almost daring himself to walk. He wants to be just like all of his other little friends and cousins. He also wants to climb on everything. He climbs up into his little vibrating chair and jumps around on it like its his little horse. He then stands up without holding on to anything and then he claps at his accomplishment. It is scary for a mom to watch this. I have tried so many times to remove him from the situation but he is determined. I told Brian maybe I just need to let him fall on his head so that he can learn that I am not just being paranoid. But I can't do it, I just constantly remove him from the chair and everything else that he climbs up on. In his crib he has learned to use his glow worm as a step to make him that much higher. Isn't he too young to be using deductive reasoning and problem solving skills? Trust me, these incidents are not isolated nor are they flukes. I watch his face and how he works through the situations. Any way that is Aidan this week. Anytime he is going to look at me and take off running to university....I just know it! He is growing up so fast!

Also the last couple of days we have been able to play with our cousins and Kellie. Aidan loves his cousins. Maybe because they are other little short people or because he just loves them. Last night it was cute to watch him interact with Maren and Ethan. He kept trying to get Ethan's attention to play. He would crawl onto Ethan's back (Ethan was lying on his stomach watching TV) and then start laughing. Ethan would try and reason with him, Aidan isn't that advanced. He would just keep playing until Ethan would roll over and Aidan would giggle and do it all over again. Today we went and visited Ethan and Maren over at their house. Aidan would chase after Maren and her little stroller. Maren didn't like it much, she doesn't like anyone to play with her stroller. But Aidan was persistent. He would crawl as fast as he could to get her and the stroller. Maren became very distressed but Aidan kept going. Aidan is already teasing his cute cousin.

On the way home from their house Aidan fell asleep. When he woke up he crawled around to every room very concerned and distraught. He would cry and then do it again. He has never done this before. I am convinced he was looking for his cousins to play with. Too cute.

Just thought I would share these cute little experiences with you all. Aidan loves everything and wants to learn and know so much. We have enjoyed visiting with the Bennett's this week. Hopefully now that the mommy's have similar schedules it can happen more often than not.
We love the Bennett's!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey. I know what you mean about being "paranoid" about little Aidan climbing and standing alone. He will fall. Trust me on that. You just have to applaud their accomplishments and help them when they get hurt. Encourage him to try new things. He is building great skills. With Quenton, I was constantly following him around and standing by him to catch him when he fell. Luckily this stage will pass, but you have to let him learn and develop his motor skills. :)

Anonymous said...

Baby boy is growing up...must be time for another one..hehe

Dustin and Kellie said...

I think that we just need to make sure it happens, all the time. I have a few solutions to help with this. 1) You know the hours that I am always home, come over anytime. B) I am off (the next few weeks anyway) on Wednesdays. I'll just come over anytime, and thirdly) we have grandparents that thrive off of grankids visits. This may be the perfect opprounity to let them visit, while we visit. I has been tested in the past and has been proven to work.

Side note- Adian is growing up fast. He is strong, and smart and beautiful. Truly cherish these moments cuz they really fly by. One day you'll be staring at this little person you carried in your belly and then he'll start telling you random stories that end with him saying, "ok, the end."