Thursday, November 13, 2008

100 Things That I Am Grateful....

Tis' the season. I decided to make up a list of things that I am grateful for. I decided 100 was plenty for such a list though I could keep going. I hope you enjoy.

  1. Brian—my love, my best friend, my provider, my protector, my rock…I love you
  2. Aidan—my beautiful first born. Always learning, going, smiling and melting my heart.
  3. Virgie— my beloved Grandma who leaves me unnecessary voice mails. She is so loving and tender-hearted
  4. Bob—always going and doing. He needs to slow down. He has taught me to be patriotic and believe in volunteering.
  5. Mom—she is true to herself, strong, independent, loving, non- judgmental, hard working, intelligent, and very neurotic…I love you
  6. Dad—quiet and strong. My go-to-man for questions about anything and everything. Seriously. He knows everything.
  7. Kellie—my sister. Through thick and thin will be one of my best friends. I aspire to her level of Mommy hood.
  8. Dustin—being my brother in law. Making my sister happy. And for my nephew and niece.
  9. Ethan—so cute and growing so fast. Full of energy and stuff to tell you. He is the go to man if you want to know about elephants.
  10. Maren—her beauty is second only to her mother’s. Always a big helper for me and when Aidan needs her.
  11. Jacob—so brave and strong. My hero. I admire his dedication and sacrifice.
  12. Courtney—for making my Jacob blissful and happy
  13. Harrison—you are my big little brother. So grateful I can call you my brother.
  14. Jordan—talented and creative. Thanks for helping to take care of my family in the south.
  15. Baby Armga—another baby to love….who wouldn’t be grateful for such a blessing!
  16. Sexy Suzie—my beloved Aunt. Always there when I need her. She is fabulous and talented. Your selfless acts don’t go unnoticed.
  17. Patricia (mom-in-law)—so amazing. Only my mother is more admired for her talents and strengths.
  18. Jeff (dad-in-law)—always making me laugh. Jokes come easily to him and he loves to share them.
  19. Ann- always there to help and save my sanity. Thank you for everything. We love and appreciate you!
  20. Lorraine—your wit and talents are wonderful. Always willing to help with Aidan. Thank you.
  21. Matt—whenever you are around you make my Brian happy. Thank you.
  22. Grandma Wilson- so cute and sweet. We love you.
  23. LuAnn- thank you for everything. For being there, for your advice and thoughts.
  24. Ivan— thank you for so many special memories.
  25. Stephanie—amazing good times! The memories and the conversations and the secrets…shhh…there still safe. J
  26. Blythe—so beautiful and lovely. Always willing to help with Aidan. And your diaper changing is SOOO appreciated when we visit.
  27. Amy—such talent! I admire you in so many ways. Thank you for sharing your talents and helping with the wedding. You are still a life saver!
  28. Uncle Reed and family—your wit and visits are precious and few. We love you!
  29. Uncle Danny and family—far and super far—We love you!
  30. Holly and Gary—for letting us into your lives. Gary for helping me understand sports. Especially football.
  31. Larry Armga and family—precious memories!
  32. Charles Armga and family—for being around and letting us get to know you and your family.
  33. Cheryl Roth and family—the visits, the memories, the road trips….everything!
  34. Carol—your knowledge, drive and the visits.
  35. Pat—your humor and visits
  36. Bruce Armga and family—the memories, the conversations, the counsel, the gifts, and the road trips. Thank you!!!
  37. Brian’s job
  38. My job
  39. Health
  40. Shelter
  41. Warmth
  42. The holidays
  43. The government
  44. Patriotism
  45. The troops
  46. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
  47. repentance
  48. the plan of salvation
  49. second chances
  50. temples
  51. families forever
  52. answers and knowledge
  53. airplanes and jets….the sound of freedom
  54. Holy Ghost
  55. missionary work
  56. Chile
  57. Aidan’s giggle
  58. mission friends
  59. people I taught and members in Chile
  60. lessons learned in Chile
  61. Testimony gained in Chile
  62. gift of tongues
  63. Food network
  64. Red Vines
  65. transportation
  66. clean drinkable water
  67. health care
  68. science and technological advances
  69. good movies
  70. board games…scrabble and trivial pursuit
  71. Sudoku
  72. Elmo
  73. WSU
  74. Good teachers
  75. honest authority figures
  76. old friends
  77. memories
  78. good music
  79. history classes
  80. travel
  81. the mountains
  82. ability to think and have thoughts
  83. public education
  84. priesthood holders
  85. dreams, aspirations and goals
  86. Redfish Lake
  87. good books
  88. HOUSE M.D. (with Hugh Laurie…I love him)
  89. Jon and Kate plus 8
  90. Modern Marvels
  91. Iron Chef America
  92. blogspot
  93. face book
  94. genealogy
  95. email
  96. Steven, Megan and Zoe--- our swimming buddies
  97. Jeremy—my NASCAR buddy.
  98. those who cared to read this
  99. those who I missed but love for all you do, have done, and will do.
  100. the theater—the memories, the people, and the friends I have made.


Dustin and Kellie said...

Ok. So tears.. I love you. We love you. What a great idea. What a great season. If you take advantage of this season, it can really put your life into perspective. What a humbling experience. "There's SO MUCH to be thankful for" (I'm listening to Thankful- Josh Groban as we speak! That just caputured the moment even more.

Dustin and Kellie said...

and now, I'll close the perenthises.. )

Jordan said...

I love you. And you make me cry. I love all you do and have done for Harrison and I. You are such a great example to me and I am so thankful that you are my sister in law.
Mrs Harrison Armga