Sunday, November 16, 2008

There goes a big truck

Aidan is currently on a schedule. It was a little to easy. I think that we have had help from our neighbor that connects with Aidan's bedroom wall. That man is up at 6AM every morning. I think he is military...coming back to the story. Every morning now at 6 AM Aidan is awake and ready for the day. I am still trying to be as happy and playful as he is in the morning. But one of the things that entertains him (besides Blue's Clues, Elmo, and Barney) is the freeway. The other morning a diesel was on the freeway and used his engine brakes. Aidan just had to see what was going on outside. Now here is the funny part. Brian usually gets up for work around 730 AM. Brian's head is directly under the window. Aidan has no problem climbing and crawling and fighting his way to the window. We have learned to put the blinds up so he doesn't play with them or the string. Brian has just learned to turn onto his back and let Aidan sit on his neck or stand up around Brian's neck and watch the cars go by. He likes to do this early in the morning, I think because the cars use headlights. As the sun comes up, then he demands more interactive playtime. Not just entertainment by zombie parents.

For those of you concerned with the safety of this activity. Brian is always holding on to his legs, at the ankles to prevent anything bad. I would die if he fell out of the window, so that window is never open as well.

1 comment:

Dustin and Kellie said...

That is too cute! I often tell Maren (my early bird) to go get me a baby. She has like 800 of them so it is bound to by me at least 5 more minutes.. You'd think.. it doesn't always work. I gotta get me a view with the freeway. She is always playting with the blinds above our bed.