Monday, November 3, 2008

4 AM....that's in the morning...or the middle of the night!

I am a little confused. Did I do this or is Aidan just trying to be funny? At 4 AM Aidan woke up, wide awake and wanting to play kind of awake. Is this what I get for wanting a normal schedule? 4 AM is too early to be normal right? I am wide awake now too. Brian and I went to be about 10 PM and fell asleep about 11 PM. So I have had a good five hours of sleep but wow. I don't know if I can do this all the time. I just turned on the television to see if that will help Aidan get tired. But I found Elmo. Aidan may only be nine months old but he knows what he likes and he LOVES Elmo. He talks back to Elmo. It is the cutest thing ever. I hope he stays entertained by this kind of television. I will not watch things like Sponge Bob and those singing goof ball men on Disney... I don't even know who they are. I think they are foreign nut jobs. Well not in my house....for as long as I can, I will keep them away from Aidan.

I thought I would make Brian some fresh cinnamon rolls for breakfast. Thank you Pillsbury for helping me to become so fabulously domestic! I hope everyone else gets more sleep than I do.


Jordan said...

So Brian got the 4 am cinnamon rolls... and you got what?!
just thought I'd bring that minor detail up.

Dustin and Kellie said...

Unfortunately, you have a baby which may equal NEVER having a regular schedule. Maren, my fabulous little sleeper has been waking up at really weird hours. I think I have found the trick, tho. I take her to the fridge where I leave her cup at night (we actually do this before bed time and nap time) then she gets a few chuggs and the SHE puts it back in the fridge and says "ni-night milk. Love you." Kinda silly, I know, but it works.

Erin said...

Ya this too shall pass:) Well maybe he he. We all do what we can/have to sometimes. As for shows your kids watch my only advice is NEVER say never. I have had to take back soooooo many staments I have made in the past. "My son will never watch Barny, Teletubbies etc." Well he has seen them all and I am happy with anything that will keep his attention long enough for me to shower:)