Monday, November 10, 2008

Doctor's Check Up 9 Months

Aidan had his 9 month doctor's appointment today. What a trooper he is! We found out that he weighs 20.13 pounds. His height is 29.50 inches. And his head is 42 centimeters (I think). He is in the 50th percentile for his weight, the 75th for his height and the 25th for his head. Doctor said everything looked good and that he is advancing phenomenally. Dr. Wallin also wanted to check to see if he was anemic, so our good friend Pam K. got to draw some blood. I thought, "No! You promised no blood on this visit!" But Pam said that it was just a little prick on the finger and that was it. Me, being the mother, was still a little concerned but Aidan was fantastic! He just giggled and watched what she was doing. When she was all done little Aidan gave her a big smile. The only down side to the problem was that Aidan wouldn't sit still for the blood to clot. He squirmed and got it all over his mommy! Aidan is such a delight. We love him so much. He is going to be such a little problem solver just like his daddy. He is going to keep me on my toes and keep me running. Which probably isn't a bad thing!


Jordan said...

Im so proud of Aidan. Im not as brave as him. Im trying to find an escape for our next appointment.

Dustin and Kellie said...

What a big boy! Yay! Super kid!