Tuesday, April 28, 2009


My heart is full as I announce many important dates to my family. But first a little background. Brian and I were not married in the temple. Many have been curious to why and I can honestly say I did not want to be married in the temple. I have been through the temple before (I served an honorable mission to Chile in 2000-2002). But at the time that Brian and I started dating I was struggling in the church. I was going through the motions but events and sentiments in my life were making it difficult to be the happy go lucky Mormon girl. I was struggling in such a way that not even I could explain. I went to my bishop for help, he said he was at a loss on how to fix things. He said that I was truly searching on my own and he couldn't think of anything that I had not already thought of trying, to make it better. So with that being said I floated by the wayside. Not out of the water, just being hit constantly by the waves rolling on the beach. The ocean couldn't drag me back to the flowing ocean but nor was I leaving the beach. Then I met Brian. Brian is fabulous. He is my heart and without knowing it, at the time, brought me such a relief in knowing that Heavenly Father was paying attention. Brian and I had been friends for a long time. He knew everything about me....and I mean EVERYTHING. He was a quiet confident, helpful tutor, and dear friend that I could always count on. As the dating process progressed I was impressed by everything about him. His brain, his heart, his want to volunteer, his heritage, his upbringing. I knew that we would mesh well together. He got me, and I got him. When we got engaged he was just recently coming back to the church. He had been inactive for a while. Truth be told, I was attending church, going through the motions, but I to was inactive. He said that he would prepare himself to attend the temple but it would require work. I was aware of this, I too, had a lot of work to do. I decided I didn't want a temple marriage. Those reasons are my own, but I came to the decision after a lot of pray and thought.

Brian and I are still imperfect people. Struggling daily to do what is right. We have been doing what we have felt was right and correct. We have met with the bishop and he has agreed, now is a good time to be sealed together as a family for time and all eternity. We still have much to do before, but he told me to make the phone calls. So devoted blog stalkers I give it to you....two big dates.

On June 13, 2009 Brian and his sister Ann will take out there endowments in the Logan temple. I am very excited for this event!

And then on August 14, 2009 Katie, Brian and Aidan will be sealed for time and all eternity in the Washington DC temple. You heard correctly! Sealed for time and all ETERNITY! Brian has me forever.....

I know that this is not ideal for many of you out there. We may have hurt many feelings with this decision. And we have thought a lot about it. Brian has informed me that DC it will be. I think he wants to live up to the man of my dreams. Literally. When I was an early teen I had reoccuring dreams about being in the DC temple with the man of my dreams. At the time I had know idea that it was the DC temple. But the first time I saw a picture of the temple I knew it. I have since had the dream over and over again. So DC it will be.

There you go Lincoln girls....and the rest of you sitting at the edge of your seats....schedule away if you can. Let me know if you are coming or would like to come to one or both. This is a wonderful time for us and to celebrate with family and friends would be delightful!

We love you all....

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Big news...coming to you in depth on Tuesday night!!!!
No I am not pregnant....lol...he he he

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Today Brian and I went and met with a realtor. She gave us a bunch of information on some houses that are possibilities. There are a lot of houses out there! Of that they aren't joking when they say the market is flooded! I just hope that we can find what we want within our price range. I have always wanted to be a SAHM (stay at home mom) since Aidan was born and May 8th is my last working day. I hope reality and the economy will allow me to stay at home, get a house, go on vacations, and maybe have baby number two (all this year!). We are looking for a home in the $100,000-$140,000 range. Preferrably ranch/ rambler with 3-5 bedrooms and at least two bathrooms. I guess I am letting you in on all of this information because we have noticed a lot of "For Sale by Owners". If you know of a house that is for sale let us know the address and a phone number so we can go and look at it.

I am finally ready for this. In the past I have been so apprehensive for such a big responsibilty. But after watching Suzie do it and watching a lot of HGTV and DIY and I mean A LOT, I think that I can do anything! I feel very empowered to make something mine and experiment.

Aidan and the spray bottle

Aidan was hanging out in his crib tonight. He was watching Elmo, Bob the builder and Barney. He is very talkative and happy when watching these shows. When is got very quiet followed by a truly unique and contagious laugh. Aidan had found the spray bottle. I couldn't believe how entertained he was with such a ridiculous item. Children truly are entertained by trivial things....and I love it!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Bubble breaker

At night time I find myself unable to go to sleep as quickly as Brian. So I have found a way to entertain myself. Bubble Breaker on Brian's phone. The most interesting part is that tonight
Aidan and I played together. Yes my amazing baby boy played with me. You may be saying that is not possible, Aidan is to young to understand his colors or the point of the game. And you are probably right, but it was sure fun to watch him play.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Quote of the day

Service is the rent we pay for our own room on earth.

A friend had this up on her facebook page and I like it! She said that she thinks that Lord Halifax said it. I thought I would share with you all. Enjoy.


Aidan loves swimming. Clearfield Aquatic Center offers Mommy and Baby swimming lessons throughout the year. I think I want to put him in swimming lessons. But some have said that he is too little and that I should wait until he gets bigger. I think we will do them in the fall (summer is really booked up with trips and stuff). That will make him about 18 months old. What do you, my devout followers think? To swim or not to swim...that is the question.

Update part 2

Just to finish off with some additional thoughts from the last post.

I have been cooking unique food lately. And I am so happy that my guinea pigs (Brian and Suzie) are enjoying the recipes. I have made spring rolls and chili verde and my own take on a chicken pot pie. They have turned out sooo delicious. I am most proud of the chili verde. I have wanted to learn how to make it for so long. I was talking to Brian about one day while walking around Wal-
Mart and he got on his phone and found me a recipe. Then we added stuff to the cart. Just that easy. Silly I know that I made it out to be such a big deal. Sometimes internet accessible cell phones do have there advantages. :)

Last Friday we all went to the handicapped mutual's annual play at Layton High. It was called "The Importance of Bean Earnest" or "You don't know beans". Once again, like always, it was such a delight to see the program and interact with the performers. At first Aidan was confused. Then about half way through I could feel him relaxing in my arms. Then, with about three songs until the end, Aidan started clapping and singing and dancing....so adorable. I remember to going to these plays when Grandpa Bob was involved with the mutual. I remember going to support Kellie's girls (they were in it again this year...and they did awesome!), and I will continue going just because I enjoy the roar of the crowd, the excitement of the audience and performers and especially because I feel that I have gotten to know some of the actors...and I am truly part of there fan base. Let's talk about who I am a fan of....Diedre...always so wonderful performing. The booty shaker. Every year this one performer gets on stage and shakes her tail feather like a maniac. I get so giggly to see her get ready to do it. Jeff W. , the show stopper or stealer. He is the most adorable. He is truly a one man show! And then comes "Push Up Man". Every year during one of the songs, this man starts doing push ups. He is amazing. And he really works with the crowd. He always ends in a body builder stance. So wonderful!

I think that just about covers everything that I am allowed to talk about....

Update part 1

So I just realized that I haven't been posting to much lately. I must apologize to all those other blog checkers and stalkers out there. Aidan recently caused some damaged to my camera so I have been unable to do much about the pictures that are on there. Sorry. But just with words I will give you a little quick update.

Life is quaint. I found out that my last day on the job will be May 8th. That is a week earlier than was previously thought. That is very exciting for me. I am ready to do this at home mom thing. I am nervous about money and the such but I think that I have figured out a way to make some extra cash on the side, and it won't be by selling plasma. :)

We are loving the spring weather in our household. Suzie has been doing SOOOO much on the yard it looks beautiful. We were finally able to mow the lawn on Saturday and that was nice. It is weird to me how when you don't have it you want it, and when you got it you don't want it. When we lived in the apartment all I wanted was grass and the ability to play outside. I still want it, but now I am getting nervous because of all the responsibility it requires.

Aidan is experiencing Spring Fever. It is a horrible condition especially when the weather is so unpredictable and changing like it has been. He has been spending nearly every waking daylight moment outside. Poor Suzie...Aidan just wants to watch her and be by her. Mostly to the detriment of her work, but she is a trooper and we thank her for her patience. Today at church Aidan was such a pill. All he wanted to do was find the first open door and make a run for the sunny afternoon. I have felt like that, but it was adorable to watch him go for it. We left after Sacrament meeting. We didn't think that we could handle or contain him any longer.

Brian has been finding some amazing job openings in his field. He has been applying and doing some interviews over the phone. Hopefully something positive will come from all of this attention. :)

We have also started looking into buying a house again. Their are some killer deals out there! We found a 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house online the other day....for $105,000.00!!!! They are older homes but we are willing do some cosmetic work. Keep you posted on that stuff as it happens.

I have also been going strong on my crafty hobbies. I am sewing, painting, scrapbooking and designing like a crazy lady. I can't post ANY of those pictures because they are mostly gifts. But as I can I will be showing them off. I have also thought up a way to be flashy and fashionable at the reunion. So be prepared for some serious awesomeness...okay not really but I think that it was a cute idea! I have so many friends having babies soon that I have been using them as inspiration.

That is all for now. Loves.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Aidan and Zoe....just playing and having fun

The other day we went and watched a movie over at Megan and Steve's house. We watched
Dark Knight. Aidan and Zoe had so much fun. They just played and giggled, in the way that only little kids can, over virtually nothing. Thanks for the movie night McFadden's.

Building project....picnic table

I have wanted to make one of those fun picnic tables from my childhood for a while. They are so simple and easy. Perfect for little kids and traveling. You can break it down into 8 pieces and take it anywhere. They are wonderful. I am so glad that Grandpa came over to help Brian finish it off. I helped for a while and then Aidan got upset so Grandma and I went to tend to the child. We had a lot of fun...