Tuesday, April 28, 2009


My heart is full as I announce many important dates to my family. But first a little background. Brian and I were not married in the temple. Many have been curious to why and I can honestly say I did not want to be married in the temple. I have been through the temple before (I served an honorable mission to Chile in 2000-2002). But at the time that Brian and I started dating I was struggling in the church. I was going through the motions but events and sentiments in my life were making it difficult to be the happy go lucky Mormon girl. I was struggling in such a way that not even I could explain. I went to my bishop for help, he said he was at a loss on how to fix things. He said that I was truly searching on my own and he couldn't think of anything that I had not already thought of trying, to make it better. So with that being said I floated by the wayside. Not out of the water, just being hit constantly by the waves rolling on the beach. The ocean couldn't drag me back to the flowing ocean but nor was I leaving the beach. Then I met Brian. Brian is fabulous. He is my heart and without knowing it, at the time, brought me such a relief in knowing that Heavenly Father was paying attention. Brian and I had been friends for a long time. He knew everything about me....and I mean EVERYTHING. He was a quiet confident, helpful tutor, and dear friend that I could always count on. As the dating process progressed I was impressed by everything about him. His brain, his heart, his want to volunteer, his heritage, his upbringing. I knew that we would mesh well together. He got me, and I got him. When we got engaged he was just recently coming back to the church. He had been inactive for a while. Truth be told, I was attending church, going through the motions, but I to was inactive. He said that he would prepare himself to attend the temple but it would require work. I was aware of this, I too, had a lot of work to do. I decided I didn't want a temple marriage. Those reasons are my own, but I came to the decision after a lot of pray and thought.

Brian and I are still imperfect people. Struggling daily to do what is right. We have been doing what we have felt was right and correct. We have met with the bishop and he has agreed, now is a good time to be sealed together as a family for time and all eternity. We still have much to do before, but he told me to make the phone calls. So devoted blog stalkers I give it to you....two big dates.

On June 13, 2009 Brian and his sister Ann will take out there endowments in the Logan temple. I am very excited for this event!

And then on August 14, 2009 Katie, Brian and Aidan will be sealed for time and all eternity in the Washington DC temple. You heard correctly! Sealed for time and all ETERNITY! Brian has me forever.....

I know that this is not ideal for many of you out there. We may have hurt many feelings with this decision. And we have thought a lot about it. Brian has informed me that DC it will be. I think he wants to live up to the man of my dreams. Literally. When I was an early teen I had reoccuring dreams about being in the DC temple with the man of my dreams. At the time I had know idea that it was the DC temple. But the first time I saw a picture of the temple I knew it. I have since had the dream over and over again. So DC it will be.

There you go Lincoln girls....and the rest of you sitting at the edge of your seats....schedule away if you can. Let me know if you are coming or would like to come to one or both. This is a wonderful time for us and to celebrate with family and friends would be delightful!

We love you all....


Dustin and Kellie said...

YAAAAY! A BIG CONGRATS TO YOU GUYS!!! That is wonderful! I wish we could go with you to DC!

Cami said...

CONGRATS! What an awesome goal to accomplish!

Celeste M. Amazing said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!! I am so excited for you guys and LOVE that temple so good choice!

Unknown said...

I am so happy for you! You are my most favorite Hermana ever - I have always admired you for your honesty and sincerity. I LOVE the DC temple and am so happy that your family will be rockin' out together forevz!

Amy said...

I am so happy for you and your little family! Congrats, the DC temple is beautiful and now you will be together forever!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for you! Congratulations!

Debbie Burns said...

Katie, this is freaking awesome!!! I am ecstatic for you! I have already spoken with Joe and we are gonna see what we can do to be there. I'll let you know more as the date gets closer. Grats to you and your family! Lots of love from me to you!

The Handleys said...

I am so happy for you guys. we all have had our problems and issues. being sealed as a family is a wounderful feeling.

Anonymous said...

Amy got the tickets - we are in! Can I crash the party in Logan on the 13th? DC is going to ROCK baby!
I love ya!

KatieLarson said...

Debbie...that would so awesome! I hope that you both can make it. My heart is so full today. Anyone who can come would be amazing! We didn't plan on getting so much support and love with our decision. We thought for a long time that it would just be us going....and WOW! So much support. Wonderful!

Don Woods said...

Run Brian Run...... Death will be your only escape. J/k
Congrats guy I wish we could be there.

KatieLarson said...

Don! You are in some serious trouble now! :)

Erin said...

Gratz! That is sooo wonderful! I couldn't be happier for you all! I too wish we could go but we will be thinking of you:)

Mike & Bri said...

i'm sooo happy for you guys! that is so exciting. that's awesome that both ann and brian are getting their endowments out on the same day. my parents were married in the dc temple...so they are very excited for you guys also. i wish we could come with you guys but work will not permit us too. but i know it will be wonderful and we will see pics when you get back hehe maybe i'll see you in st george this weekend :D see you guys later!

Lauralee said...


Micah Kormylo said...

Congrats, Katie. Better late than never! We love you guys and hope that for an eternity of happiness for you! And how awesome will it be to have your sweet Aidan there with you?!?!?!?