Monday, April 20, 2009

Update part 1

So I just realized that I haven't been posting to much lately. I must apologize to all those other blog checkers and stalkers out there. Aidan recently caused some damaged to my camera so I have been unable to do much about the pictures that are on there. Sorry. But just with words I will give you a little quick update.

Life is quaint. I found out that my last day on the job will be May 8th. That is a week earlier than was previously thought. That is very exciting for me. I am ready to do this at home mom thing. I am nervous about money and the such but I think that I have figured out a way to make some extra cash on the side, and it won't be by selling plasma. :)

We are loving the spring weather in our household. Suzie has been doing SOOOO much on the yard it looks beautiful. We were finally able to mow the lawn on Saturday and that was nice. It is weird to me how when you don't have it you want it, and when you got it you don't want it. When we lived in the apartment all I wanted was grass and the ability to play outside. I still want it, but now I am getting nervous because of all the responsibility it requires.

Aidan is experiencing Spring Fever. It is a horrible condition especially when the weather is so unpredictable and changing like it has been. He has been spending nearly every waking daylight moment outside. Poor Suzie...Aidan just wants to watch her and be by her. Mostly to the detriment of her work, but she is a trooper and we thank her for her patience. Today at church Aidan was such a pill. All he wanted to do was find the first open door and make a run for the sunny afternoon. I have felt like that, but it was adorable to watch him go for it. We left after Sacrament meeting. We didn't think that we could handle or contain him any longer.

Brian has been finding some amazing job openings in his field. He has been applying and doing some interviews over the phone. Hopefully something positive will come from all of this attention. :)

We have also started looking into buying a house again. Their are some killer deals out there! We found a 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house online the other day....for $105,000.00!!!! They are older homes but we are willing do some cosmetic work. Keep you posted on that stuff as it happens.

I have also been going strong on my crafty hobbies. I am sewing, painting, scrapbooking and designing like a crazy lady. I can't post ANY of those pictures because they are mostly gifts. But as I can I will be showing them off. I have also thought up a way to be flashy and fashionable at the reunion. So be prepared for some serious awesomeness...okay not really but I think that it was a cute idea! I have so many friends having babies soon that I have been using them as inspiration.

That is all for now. Loves.

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