Monday, March 30, 2009


Now that I am trying to be all domesticated and such. I have been having dreams and ideas flood my mind, dreams of projects. Well last night as I was making dinner, Aidan was in my way. I know that sounds horrible, but having a little munchkin constantly standing at your heels as you prep for dinner is, well, a chore. He wanted me to hold him and show him what I was doing. That has become our new game. I don't know if he can understand me and what I am saying but he just wants to be by me and have me talk to him all the time. He usually says why or hello when I stop talking. I decipher that as why and keep talking mom....I get it. Well I have been trying to get him involved with the cooking and the craft projects that I do. If I am scrapbooking he is up to the table with me coloring on his own paper and talking to me. Doh doh doh doh doh (think Homer song form) is usually what he says while drawing. Well I want to get him more involved in the kitchen, because like last night, it wasn't exactly a kid friendly preparation if you know what I am saying. So I decided to try and make him an apron. It is my first one, obviously, and I tried it on him and he seemed a little confused. I think I will make a matching one for mommy and then we can rock out in the kitchen. Maybe I will make a little chef's hat too. Who knows maybe later on....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

More silliness

Saturday, March 28, 2009

More ambitions for craftiness

This was another practice job. I thought I should
just stick to trying to figure out the brush and
how to mix the colors. I still can't
figure out how to do an amazing orange.
And in the beginning they were are perfect circles.

This is the first attempt at a throw pillow.
A little bit too loose.
This is the second try. I am defiantly feeling
more confident in my machine skills.Look at the machine that I have been using.
My mom gave it to me a couple of years ago.
It is so teeny and tiny. But once I feel
confident and am ready to really be
a Martha Stewart type we will buy a big
one. We realized that they aren't that expensive.
And for those of you that are curious....I think I have figured out the
bobbin. FINALLY! That is the reason why
I haven't done much sewing in the past.


This is my geometric shape project.
This is my flower pot project.
Those are not antennas, there are whispy
babies breath type things.

So I gave painting a whirl tonight. Oh my goodness...if I want to continue to do it I need lots and lots and lots of practice. I suck, I know it. Brian is such a sweetheart and said with practice I will be really good. I decided to give this a try so that I could do some artwork to put in my own home. You know make it look all posh and stuff. Well, maybe it will never be hung up. But I can at least tell my kids that I gave painting a try and wasn't very good at it.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

First tank top?

So here's my new attempt at craftiness. Sad sad attempt. I am learning how to do seams. Poor Aidan...he is my little crafty guinea pig. Tonight I tried to do pants and got frustrated. Oh well...I think that Aidan will appreciate my quiting in the future.

Pillow case and sheet....

This sheet and the pillow case that I tried to make for Aidan. There is nothing fancy of wonderful about these items. Though I hope to improve upon my sewing skills. Maybe I will make a blanket tonight. Hmmmmmm...will see.

The Dress....

This is a picture of the dress that my mother in law and Brian helped me fumble through. It is nothing wonderful, but it was a fun project to do while learning how to use the sewing machine. Can you tell why I won't wear it in public....

Thank you Thank you

Tonight Suzie Q made dinner. It was so yummy. Just wanted to say thank you for everything. She made Curry Lentils, rotisserie chicken and salad. Then for dessert she made a yummy sugar cookie recipe that we saw on Giada yesterday.

For the recipe see

Aidan update

Just a quick little Aidan update for those far away.

Aidan can blow kisses and wave good bye.
He puckers up for the kissing game. Sometimes he lets you kiss his mouth other times its his forehead.
He insists upon using a fork to eat everything at the table.
Aidan can say Hi, Hello, Why, What, Here and There. I think he should be a reporter when he grows up. And sometimes he says Thank you and Love you.
Today he also showed me that he can take off his sock, and put it right back on.

Silly update but new stuff all the same.

Dear Friends

Dear Friends
I must admit to a problem. I don't know where it came from or why I feel the need to be so obsessive about it. But I need to come clean. I have the desire to be domestic. I always want to cook and make food. Not just any food, but the overly fancy meals. Chicken cordon bleu, tandoori chicken, mixed berry pavlova, etc. etc. I have only perfected or even really tried the cordon bleu, but I really want to experiment with food all the time. I also want to be crafty. I want to design things for my future house. I am interested in color schemes. I want to fix up a house just the way I want it. I want to learn to sew. I have a wonderful support system that wants to help and has taught me lots about sewing machines and how to sew. I recently just finished a dress. This dress was made from a pattern, but I bought the pattern, the fabric. With Brian's help I managed to get over my fears of figuring out how to cut out the pattern, thread the machine and work the bobbin. The dress, as I said before is completed. I feel great pride in knowing that, with help, I finished it. Granted this dress will never be seen in on me. I am a huge cow and one shouldn't try and wear this type of dress. My mother-in-law, bless her heart, said that it looked fine. She said if I felt uncomfortable I should just wear nylons with it to help hold stuff it. It was quiet flattering though, in my opinion, there isn't enough nylon or girdles in the world, tight enough to make me feel comfortable enough to wear it in public. I digress.... tonight I sowed Aidan a pillow case and a sheet for his crib. He has plenty of sheets, but I found fabric for cheap at Wal-Mart and decided to play around. Aidan is young but he is such a cutie, he instantly started hugging his new pillow and giggling. Thank you Aidan for your support and giggles. Thank you Brian for helping walk me through that damn bobbin problem. Lately I have been scrapbooking like a maniac. I can't get enough of it. Poor Brian. Back to the domestic issue. I, aside from cooking, designing, scrapbooking and sewing.... I want to paint. Like a Bob Ross person. On canvas with brushes and acrylics. I am scared. I am not normally a creative person but something in me recently has made me want to be. But I love my Brian. He is the most supportive man I have ever met. He is patient and willing to let me spread my wings. As I have found these interests, he has been researching them and finding out ways to help me. Thank you Brian.

The reason for this admission is more to get it out. I am not longer going to be a closet Martha Stewart fan. I am going to spread my wings and do everything that I am able to do. And don't be surprised to get something homemade and original for Christmas or your birthdays this year. Thank you....that is all.

Monday, March 23, 2009

A big thank you....

Brian and I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Kellie and Dustin. We decided to run some errands today and then stop at Burger Bar for some lunch. While we were eating our car died. We couldn't get it started. And so I called Kellie and Dustin and Dustin came and saved us! Thanks again we appreciate it....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Weekend at a glance

This weekend has been so nice and chill...I love those weekends. Yesterday we all woke up and went to Lowe's to look at home improvement stuff. I hate that store! I only hate it because it makes me covet a house of my own more. It makes me want to paint, update and improve upon a house that isn't mine yet. One we haven't yet found. Brian did find two matching lamps to go on our nightstands. They are so nice looking. Given time when we have a painted, decorated bedroom they will look magnificent. I did enjoy being at the store with Suzie. She is willing to be the money person to all of the fun things that I plan on doing. We both want to plant a garden. I have never done this on my own, so with Suzie's help we should be about to do it nicely. She also purchased some lattice to help protect the basement stairwell from Aidan's curious self. It is the really nice plastic lattice. Brian and I put it up with ease. We finished about 9PM by the porch lights beams. It made me remember all of those fun projects that I would help dad out with in the wee hours of the I want a garage. That garage that is mostly used for a workshop and not for cars. Where one can tinker around in for hours creating and designing and completing projects. Ahhhhhhh. Soon Katie soon. Then today we woke up and went to church. This is an amazing feat for us lately because we have been sleeping in the last little while. Yeah....sad huh....especially because our church is at 1PM! Sometimes that nocturnalness of both Brian and I really show huh. The crazy part is that Aidan can hold his own with our hours. Actually this sounds horrible but it is Aidan's fault that we stay up so late. If he would show signs of sleepiness we would end all projects and activities and sleep. Same goes for the sleeping in part. Aidan normally sleeps 12-15 hours straight with naps in the middle. Ahhhh...what a crazy disfunctional family we are compared to the rest of the world. After church we watched the Bristol race. I have to say....Kyle Busch makes me crazy....I can't stand the kid. Then I made dinner...fetticini alfredo with baked chicken. Yummy! Then we watched Twilight and Max Payne. I scrapbooked during both movies. What a relaxing boring weekend. I can't wait to plant our veggie garden and paint the house. Silly I know....but so excited.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Patrick's Day 09

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I planned a super fun day to help us enjoy and learn more about St. Patrick's Day.

Prior to dinner we played outside. I love that the weather is clearing up and is very pleasant and generally delightful. Here is Aidan and Suzie playing with the newly found fence. Did you know if you whack the fence with a toy it makes a way cool noise? Aidan figured it out.

This is what my table looked like. I am no Sandra Lee but I am trying. The Shamrock box is full of green mints...a little take home gift for my guests. I thought the boxes were so cute that in all reality buying the little boxes made me want to have such a party.

I had planned to make green eggs and waffles and sugar cookies and jello. I invited Bob and Virgie and Suzie (obviously) and us. But the morning of the 17th I decided that I didn't want waffles, especially not green waffles. So I was wondering around trying to think of something Irish to make when I turned on the food network. I scrolled through the showings trying to get some kind of inspiration. There was none. Then I started watching Paula Deen. She was doing nothing Irish or St. Patrick's day inspired. LAME! Then it dawned on me...the silliness, the joke, the pun. She was making her favorite potluck dishes. LOL! Seriously that was hilarious. I laughed at myself for a good five minutes. Called Brian to get permission...he said yes. Of course he did. I called Virgie and asked her to bring drinks. Suzie to bring rolls and Brian to pick up dinner....KFC. Yummy!

After dinner we played a couple of games. An Irish trivia game....hey I learned a lot. And then I did a small treasure hunt. I found some small plastic coins and paper money at Dollar Tree. I put that in our pot and bought some Star Burst jelly beans....the rainbow....get it. After the treasure hunt Suzie and Aidan found the treasure. I didn't take any pictures but she did. She will have to post them later. I had fun. Brian said that this activity would have been a lot more fun in four years when Aidan understands everything. Well, I agree, but I wanted this to be a tradition. And so it begins..... Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Fun Friday....

Last Friday Brian and I had Joe and Debbie come over for dinner and Guitar Hero. We had so much fun. I made a big pot of Taco Soup with corn muffins. Sounds like everyone enjoyed it. I love the easiness of the recipe. A little history of how I happened upon the recipe. Brian and I were on our honeymoon and we decided to have a relaxing morning. It was day four and all the other days we were going going going and getting stuff done. Well that morning we decided to relax about everything. During our time just laying around basking in the wonder of newlywed-hood, we turned on television. Sister Covey was on Channel 5's morning program discussing life with Brother Stephen Covey and she shared her family's favorite recipe...taco soup. I have since tweaked it a little bit but yummy it is all the same.

Any how....I digress.....

After visiting and having dinner we played Guitar Hero for a little while. That was fun. We only got booed off stage fault totally. But I was playing with the guitar before the song started and then the song ended just that fast. We then had some dessert and and visited some more. We laughed, talked and remininesced the night away. It was fun. I am glad that the guys were okay with Debbie and I just chatting about everything and anything. I miss times like that. Good fun. We let the night get away with us and at about 1230AM decided to call it a night.

Thanks again to Joe and Debbie for playing with us.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hear Ye Hear Ye.....

So you know your a nerd and have a boring life if this has happened to you.... so your laying in bed. Both you and your husband are playing on the internet and watching television. When all of the sudden you get an IM...from your husband sitting next to you. Why you ask because he thought that it would be funny...and misses the texting messaging that we used to do when we were dating. What a goofy, sweet nerd. I love him so much! He is too cute....

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Aidan the thief

So today at lunch I made one grilled cheese sandwich. I cut off 1/4 of the sandwich for Aidan and I ate 3/4 of it. We also had some cheez-it crackers. I told Aidan that we could have cake once we ate all of our lunch. I ate all of mine so I started to eat a piece of the cake. Aidan ate all of his sandwich and all but three of his crackers. I said Aidan eat those last three and you can have cake. I then stood up to get something to drink. As I did I distinctly heard a grunt type of sound. I turn around to see Aidan with the three crackers held high in his hands, and then he abruptly dropped them to the floor. Then he turns around to look at me. I have this look on my face asking why he would be so silly and do that. Then he quickly grabs MY plate with MY piece of cake on it, pulls it towards him and takes a handful of my cake. I am astonished! He then looks at me with a fistful of cake and a smile on his face....and giggles at me. My goodness what a little silly boy!

Happy Birthday Jeremy

This is for my buddy Jeremy. Today is his 25th birthday!
That's right he is an old man..but we still love him.
Happy Birthday Jeremy!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Jeremy's Turkey Dance

On Sunday we got together and had Jeremy and
others over for dinner and a game of Wii.
Jeremy has been trash talking Suzie on her
bowling skills for a while and so they played.
Suzie kicked his trash is bowling. And Jeremy
kept saying that if she got another turkey he would
take his shirt off and dance around like a turkey. Well
Suzie did it and he held up his end of the bargain.

Bronco Bunny

This is Aidan's Build a Bear...even though it is a bunny. His name is Bronco Bunny. We made him for Easter and have only let Aidan hold him a little bit. We want him to be an Easter surprise from Mommy and Daddy. I love all the accessories that you can buy for your bears and other animals. I can see how it is also addictive. We plan on going and getting a NASCAR bear soon. We highly recommend this activity to everyone. I was a lot of fun!

Gateway Fun

Here is Aidan and Suzie and Gary just after we finished building a bear. We had a lot of fun. And then there are some pictures of Aidan just chilling in his stroller.


These are older pictures (taken in early February) but I liked them and thought I would share. During a snow storm I went out to do some shoveling. Aidan decided to grab his shovel and come out and help. He really did give a good effort for his attempt. But in the end he just decided to walk around and play in the wonderous thing called snow.


Tonight we had some friends over for dinner and Wii games. Our good friend Jeremy has a birthday on Tuesday and we decided to invite him over for some games and food. Brian was an excellent grill master and grilled up some chicken and sausage. We also had baked potatoes and appetizers of cheese, cracker, summer sausage, olives, and li' smokies (just for Wyatt). Then Suzie and Jeremy started trash talking about playing Wii bowling and who would be the winner. So they played. And the winner was Aunt Suzie with an amazing score of 244...which was damn near a perfect game. It was a lot of fun to visit and eat. I am so excited for spring and BBQ season. Lots of parties are in the works. Fun stuff! I also baked Jeremy a cake and used my decorating tips to add some flair. is super ugly. But I had fun and I hope with practice I can get awesome at cake decorating. Thanks everyone for coming over and we hope Jeremy has a very happy birthday.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Waiting for the FrontRunner

While waiting for the FrontRunner train to take everyone (Brian, Aidan, Aunt Suzie, Gary and me) to the Gateway to Build-A-Bear Gary and Aidan began to play as only younger children can, they made up a silly game. Prior to the video Aidan was laughing hysterically. But through the video you can get the jest of fun. For those who don't know Gary is Aunt Suzie's grandson.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

The casting of Jane

So I have to admit that I do enjoy me a good book. I also enjoy easy reading books. The Twilight series is just that for me, easy relaxing reading. Since I have seen the movie Twilight (ever so cheesy as it was and yes I have seen it twice), I have been following all the gossip and news concerning casting and other general information. Well there has been a lot of talk about casting Dakota Fanning (see left) as Jane, the mean little vampire connected with the Volturi. I just found out that the rumor is true and filming starts at the end of the month on New Moon. What a delight! I think that Dakota will do well in the casting and even better news. They are filming all the subsequent films in immediate succession (one right after the other). So that will also help with the idea of her growing up in between filming. Anyway just wanted to share...more info at, and

A to Z

A - Age: 30 in June

B - Bed size: Queen

C - Chore you hate: Taking out the garbage

D - Dad's Name: Mike

E - Essential start your day item: Going to the bathroom

F - Favorite food: I like all foods

G - Gold or Silver: Silver

H - Height: 5'10 ish

I - Instruments you play(ed): Flute and I dabbled in the piccolo, violin and piano

J - Job title: Mom/Wife/Tutor

K - Kid(s):One little boy

L - Living arrangements: Basement bedroom

M - Mom's name: Julie

N - Nicknames: Kate

O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: none

P - Pet Peeve: Too many to write...I am very opinionated

Q - Quotes you like: mainly movie quotes....and there are a lot!

R - Right or left handed: right

S - Siblings: one younger sis, two younger brothers

T - Time you wake up: usually at 7:30 for a goodbye kiss. Then about 8:30-noon...whenever Aidan says get up!

V - Vegetable you dislike: don't know...I like them all in one prepared form or another

W - Ways you run late: not planning very well because Aidan makes my life just a little bit more complicated, but I would changed it!

X-rays you've had: dental, arms, legs, feet

Y - Yummy food you make: Brian likes my red sauce enchiladas and cordon bleu

Z - Zodiac: Cancer


THINK FAST!!! Memories!!Share
Think Fast!
Think Fast!!
Think fast!
Leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember! Don't send a message, leave a comment on here.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Totally a stolen picture....

I know that stealing is wrong. But I had to do it...sorry Kellie! But I love this picture of the Armga women. I will be calling this time in St. George the Mike Armga Family Reunion...first annual. It has been a long time since all of us were together. And though we weren't ever all together...we were all together in the same city...seeing each other. I know that sounds odd, but it has been at least a year since my parents and all my siblings were together at the same time. I loved it! Hopefully next time we will be able to take family pictures. The last one was taken about four years ago...Ethan was just a little baby! Since then we have added 4.75 people to the family. Maren, Brian, Aidan, Jordan and soon to be Addison. What a cool picture that will be! I can't wait!

Oh and thanks to Jordan for having a shower and allowing us the opportunity to have the
First Annual Mike Armga Reunion.


So the pictures aren't the best quality or the best of show (look at the goofy one with the bad hair and the light blue shirt !!!), but I still like them anyway. It has been a while since Kellie and I have been able to hang out, let alone get pictures taken. I loved spending time with her and her family. Love ya Kellie!

Just checking the mail

I know this might be silly but I like it. Aidan so loves his grandma and grandpa. Any time they went anywhere, Aidan was quick to inquire where they were going and hurry up and try and tag along. It was this last weekend that has helped Aidan become such a pro at doing the stairs! One day grandma decided to go and check the mail, and Aidan went after her. Not very exciting but oh well. I love that Aidan has reached the curiosity stage. He just wants to go and look and see and do....everything. Everything is new and fascinating to him. He loves being outside and I enjoy being outside with him. I am so grateful that the weather is starting to look better outside. Aidan gets very hyper and stir crazy if we can't be outside.

Thank you cards

They are in the mail now I promise. Aidan and I decided to finish doing his birthday thank you cards. I was done a couple of weeks ago and got distracted with our St. George trip. Well I did most of the work and Aidan added his own little something to the cards. I had a little bit of a challenge keeping him focused on the cards and not eating the crayons, but things like this make me realize that he is still little and learning (even though my one year old thinks he is a very independent five year old!). Thanks again to everyone for coming to his party and sharing in the festivities! We love you all....

Dancing Aidan

My little Aidan...all I do is talk about him. Well
here I go again. Last Friday Aidan, Jordan, Harrison,
my parents and I went to dinner at the Texas
Roadhouse in St. George. I had never been and
it was yummy! But everyone else in St. George
decided to go to dinner there that night so the
wait was incredible. But they had wonderful
sitting outside with country music. Well Aidan
decided to start dancing. He loved it. And all I
could think was that I needed to get this on tape
for Stephanie because I believe he is dancing like
a fool to a Sawyer Brown song...LOL. What a little
cutie I have. I hope you enjoy as much as we did.
Sorry it is so dark, it was late and that was the best I
could do. But try to look at can see it!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

St. George Week

Feeding the ducks at the park.
Me and Aidan on the swing watching the ducks.
Aidan and the toy at the park.

Aidan loving the park and the wood chips.Aidan playing with Grandpa and his cousins.

This last week we spent time in St. George. We went down so that Brian could go to the NASCAR races in Las Vegas. I love a good race, but I didn't think that I could spend three days away from my Aidan. Crazy was the first time that I have spent away from Brian since we hooked up. That in itself was nearly traumatic. But I survived and Aidan did as well. Aidan loved spending time with his Grandparents, Aunts and Uncles and cousins. We had such an active week.

It all started on Tuesday evening when Brian and I were discussing how much we wanted it to be Thursday already. As we are discussing this topic Jordan texts me and says why can't you come down now. Well needless to say, two hectic hours later we were packed and loaded and gased up and heading south. We arrived in St. George about 1 AM. Aidan is a real trooper. He does so wonderfully on road trips. We are so blessed.

On Wednesday morning we took our time waking up and moving. We went and visited Grandma Julie at work. After that we had Jordan show us where a good park was. And she did a fabulous job. The park she picked out was a fast favorite. We played on the slide and swings and feed the ducks...the terribly forceful ducks and a huge Goose! Aidan loved the slide. After a couple of times with help he showed us how fearless he was and he started pushing himself off and going down on his own. Then we went and met with Jordan's family. What a fun family! Mom had never met Jordan's mom before so it was a first for all of us, and it was a blast.

On Thursday we waited for the Bennett's to leave and in the mean time we went shopping and watched some movies. And of course we hit the park again! Brian was able to do his man thing and relax in his own way...he painted his little mechs (little army men).

On Friday we all (Armga's, Larson's and Bennett's) went to In and Out burger and waited for Jeremy and friends to pick up Brian for Vegas. After that we went to the park to play for a bit. Then we went back to relax at the house. Because that night we had Jordan's baby shower. What a fun time! The shower was fun. Good food, games and friends. Aidan went and was a little show off and attention getter...but that would be expected with him.

Then on Saturday we woke up and went over to see Jacob tending to his horses. He and his girlfriend Courtney have horses. We went and saw all kinds of little animals. We saw Jacob's two horses, Courtney's horse Trots, pigs, goats, and sheep. Aidan was so into everything that he saw. Grandpa even put him up on Trots. Aidan was having so much fun! Then we went and relaxed for a bit...and then more shopping. Today's shopping was for scrapbooking materials. It was so much fun...I spent so much money! Then we headed back and had dinner and then Jordan and I scrapbooked. It was super fun!

Then on Sunday I made everyone wake up early and go for a drive. Every so often on mom's and Jordan's blog they post pictures of their travels off I said I want in. So Aidan, mom, dad and I loaded up his truck with chairs and lunch. Harrison and Jordan followed in his truck and we were off. We drove for a total of five hours and it was fun. We went west of Santa Clara and did a loop up and down and out to Motoqua and back into Santa Clara and back. Then we went to the store and Jordan made a killer Dutch Oven dinner. YUMMY!!! BBQ chicken and was so good. Then we were able to visit with Jamie Anderson, a friend from the mission field. Our visit was short and sweet and I am so grateful that we were able to visit. She is such a funny girl. I love her! Then Brandi and family came over with Ryan and family (Ryan and family moved out that weekend from IL). Jamie quickly made her exit and I was able to visit with family. I am so excited that they are out here. Ryan used to be my favoritest cousin (before we grew up) and it was so good to visit with him and his family. Then off to bed....

On Monday we went to lunch and visited with Grandma at work and then we waited for Brian to come. We tried to relax and prepare for our trip home.

I had such a relaxing week! I don't have all the photos that I would want because they are scattered around on so many different cameras. So soon I will do a slide show to show everyone.