Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Aidan the thief

So today at lunch I made one grilled cheese sandwich. I cut off 1/4 of the sandwich for Aidan and I ate 3/4 of it. We also had some cheez-it crackers. I told Aidan that we could have cake once we ate all of our lunch. I ate all of mine so I started to eat a piece of the cake. Aidan ate all of his sandwich and all but three of his crackers. I said Aidan eat those last three and you can have cake. I then stood up to get something to drink. As I did I distinctly heard a grunt type of sound. I turn around to see Aidan with the three crackers held high in his hands, and then he abruptly dropped them to the floor. Then he turns around to look at me. I have this look on my face asking why he would be so silly and do that. Then he quickly grabs MY plate with MY piece of cake on it, pulls it towards him and takes a handful of my cake. I am astonished! He then looks at me with a fistful of cake and a smile on his face....and giggles at me. My goodness what a little silly boy!


Don Woods said...

That is so cute!!!! That rocks

Micah Kormylo said...

So cute! He is such a sweetie. And I can not wait to hang with you two when we come down. Yes, we are coming in April. I believe it's the second week, April 13th my mom and I with my two boys will be coming and we'll stay for a few days. There was talk recently about going to the zoo. I'd love to do that with you guys if you're up to it. I can't wait to come visit family and to come for my concert!!!

Anonymous said...

ha ha ha. He knows where the good stuff is. So cute.