Thursday, March 26, 2009

Dear Friends

Dear Friends
I must admit to a problem. I don't know where it came from or why I feel the need to be so obsessive about it. But I need to come clean. I have the desire to be domestic. I always want to cook and make food. Not just any food, but the overly fancy meals. Chicken cordon bleu, tandoori chicken, mixed berry pavlova, etc. etc. I have only perfected or even really tried the cordon bleu, but I really want to experiment with food all the time. I also want to be crafty. I want to design things for my future house. I am interested in color schemes. I want to fix up a house just the way I want it. I want to learn to sew. I have a wonderful support system that wants to help and has taught me lots about sewing machines and how to sew. I recently just finished a dress. This dress was made from a pattern, but I bought the pattern, the fabric. With Brian's help I managed to get over my fears of figuring out how to cut out the pattern, thread the machine and work the bobbin. The dress, as I said before is completed. I feel great pride in knowing that, with help, I finished it. Granted this dress will never be seen in on me. I am a huge cow and one shouldn't try and wear this type of dress. My mother-in-law, bless her heart, said that it looked fine. She said if I felt uncomfortable I should just wear nylons with it to help hold stuff it. It was quiet flattering though, in my opinion, there isn't enough nylon or girdles in the world, tight enough to make me feel comfortable enough to wear it in public. I digress.... tonight I sowed Aidan a pillow case and a sheet for his crib. He has plenty of sheets, but I found fabric for cheap at Wal-Mart and decided to play around. Aidan is young but he is such a cutie, he instantly started hugging his new pillow and giggling. Thank you Aidan for your support and giggles. Thank you Brian for helping walk me through that damn bobbin problem. Lately I have been scrapbooking like a maniac. I can't get enough of it. Poor Brian. Back to the domestic issue. I, aside from cooking, designing, scrapbooking and sewing.... I want to paint. Like a Bob Ross person. On canvas with brushes and acrylics. I am scared. I am not normally a creative person but something in me recently has made me want to be. But I love my Brian. He is the most supportive man I have ever met. He is patient and willing to let me spread my wings. As I have found these interests, he has been researching them and finding out ways to help me. Thank you Brian.

The reason for this admission is more to get it out. I am not longer going to be a closet Martha Stewart fan. I am going to spread my wings and do everything that I am able to do. And don't be surprised to get something homemade and original for Christmas or your birthdays this year. Thank you....that is all.


Dustin and Kellie said...

So.. Where are the pictures? I wanna see this dress (I understand.. but you don't have to wear it in the picture) and the sheets?? Hello. I think it is fabulous that you are getting super crafty. Now when Maren gets asked to Prom, Super Aunt Katie can sew her a one of a kind! I think there is nothing wrong with liking Martha Stewart! (Maybe there is something wrong with following her footsteps when it comes to business management/stock market investing, etc.) I wish I could sew, but haven't ever really gotten into it. Maybe when you're comfortable, you could teach ME!!

Micah Kormylo said...

Good for you Katie. I feel the same way. I take such pride in being a Mommy at home and cooking for my family and doing things for my home to make it more "homey". I am so into cooking right now. I watch The Food Network religiously. I am so glad to hear you are too.

I think these day there is a lot of negativity about a Mom that stays home and does all the "home-making" stuff. People feel they don't have a life of their own. So it is comforting and encouraging to me to hear that you find such joy and such accomplishment out of the those things. I love you and I totally look up to you. You are so awesome. Can't wait to spend some time with you and your sweet family!!!!

Debbie Burns said...

Katie, I think this is wonderful! I am so excited for you as you discover new talents and skills. If you ever want to get together for sewing, quilting, cooking, etc, I would love it! And I appreciate your example in trying new things. Sometimes I am so afraid of not getting it right the first time that I don't even try. Thanks for being so courageous and keep it up... everything I am seeing you post looks great and it will only improve with time!

KatieLarson said...

I want to do some quilts this summer. Just the basic tied quilts for people for Christmas. So Debbie I will put you on speed dial when I get the stuff ready. :) Thanks everyone for being so understanding and supportive. I am so embarrassed for posting everything but hopefully it will help motivate me to keep going and not give up.

Jordan said...

Katie. We need to do another craft weekend. Instead of scrapbooking, we can tie quilts! That would be so fun!! We'll borrow my Grandma's again, and get to work! Lets do it!!