Saturday, March 7, 2009

The casting of Jane

So I have to admit that I do enjoy me a good book. I also enjoy easy reading books. The Twilight series is just that for me, easy relaxing reading. Since I have seen the movie Twilight (ever so cheesy as it was and yes I have seen it twice), I have been following all the gossip and news concerning casting and other general information. Well there has been a lot of talk about casting Dakota Fanning (see left) as Jane, the mean little vampire connected with the Volturi. I just found out that the rumor is true and filming starts at the end of the month on New Moon. What a delight! I think that Dakota will do well in the casting and even better news. They are filming all the subsequent films in immediate succession (one right after the other). So that will also help with the idea of her growing up in between filming. Anyway just wanted to share...more info at, and


The Handleys said...

I love the twlight series read them all at least 6 times. And I can't wait till New Moon comes out. We should go see it together.

Tara said...

I love twilight and I love Dakota! I am way excited to see it now (well, even more!)