Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesdays blessings

1. Years ago I often thought to myself "Sun, why are you so special. Everyone wants to get off work early and spend time under your blanket of warmth, why? I don't get it. It's bright, it's harmful, and it is down right cheery." Yep I really did think things like this while working at the theater. Now, my opinions have changed dramatically. This year I have finally figured it out. Maybe I knew it all along and was scared of it or maybe I was just denying knowledge I always had, but the sun's rays are a breath of fresh air. There is no better pick me up that a good dose of vitamin D. I have noticed myself getting headaches and sleeping too much, but if I go outside and let Aidan run around, bring a drink and a book, my headaches mysteriously disappear. Thank you sun for changing my mind. Maybe it was being stuck inside the basement all winter, but I love you sun.

2. This week has been a good week for "acquiring." Last Saturday Brian and I went and purchased a new sectional style couch for our basement. Two weeks ago Brian and I were sitting on it, not it a weird fashion or anything and then we heard POP! POP! The back bracing beams had popped apart. Now when you sit on it you need to be careful or you could fall into oblivion. This couch was a gift from some friends. It is/was a very comfortable couch that we are sad to see go, but I am very grateful for the time it spent in our basement. Because we were able to stall until the Memorial Day sales we were able to pick up an awesome sectional for about $600. The sale price was $500 but I INSISTED on making this micro fiber sectional easy to clean (can we say two year old!!!) so that came at a cost. Luck for me, Brian didn't argue with the additional price; I guess he lives with a two year old as well. :) Then we swapped furniture with Virgie. She asked if she could use the rocking chair again (Grandpa enjoys being able to rock himself to sleep in it), sure. In exchange for such chivilary she would give us her third dresser our of her room. This dresser was given to her from Reed, so this dresser has seen the rounds but it sure is a beauty. Pictures later this week. And it doesn't end there...then the Lincoln's offered us a second freezer for our little house. Yes! Done! SWEET!!! Then they mentioned wanting to get rid of a red recliner chair. Sure, we take anything in good condition. :) Thanks everyone for helping us decorate our little house. It might not be new, but its new to me and I am super excited!

3. I love resources. I love being able to figure out whatever I want and learn from them. I love cooking. But sometimes expenses don't let me go out to eat to get my specialty food, thanks to food network I make everything myself nowadays. If we are pressed for time we still eat out, but now if I have a craving or a penchant for something I just go into the bodega (food storage) and get my ingredients and then make it myself. Generally it turns out much better.

4. Aidan loves the sprinklers and I get a kick out of watching him run through them. Seriously, who doesn't love cheap entertainment? So cute.

5. I love gardening. I am not a big fan of the weeding part. But I get so excited to see the fruits of my labors, even if they are little tiny sprouts of leaves in the ground. Lovely. Cheap produce here we come! Canning party anyone?

6. I was scared of sewing machines for a very LONG time. That damn bobbin hated me, and I it! I couldn't figure it out to save my life. My sweet mother in law must have removed the curse because last year she successfully taught me how to thread a bobbin. And then my amazing husband taught me how to put it into the machine and sew with it. Learning this new trick has been both a blessing and a curse to Brian. Fabric sales are my new addiction, I have quite a large stockpile. I can't just sit and watch television anymore, I need to be at my craft table sewing something. Brian hasn't been able to enjoy television with out the constant hum of the sewing machine in over a year now. But even though it brings such oddity to my family room, I love it! I love making stuff with my hands and feeling the success at a project done. I get drunk with happiness when I can see...

7. how my PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE pays off. Some of projects are not very good but I am learning how to embrace all my mistakes and learn from them. So hears to becoming amazing at all things sewing machine.


Steven and Megan said...

Yay for the sun, new furniture, food storage, sprinkler fun, gardens, sewing, and practice!!! All very nice blessings :) Cant wait to see your new furniture!

Debbie Burns said...

Love this post! I think your "blessing" days are one of my favorites. It's always such a pick me up and makes me think about all the wonderful blessings I have in my life.