Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday Book Review: Corduroy and Bimbos of the Death Sun

I have decided to allow Aidan to have a book review this week (and probably every week).

We found our copy of this book at DI for $.50! Sweet deal! Who didn't love reading Corduroy as a child? This book is about a little stuffed bear at a department store who has lost a button on his pants. The book tells of his adventure as he goes throughout the store looking for his lost button and trying to find a home to go to.

Wonderful book. Aidan says "book cool, COOL!" We have been reading this book every night (sometimes twice). :)

My book review...

This book I did not search out nor did I expect to read it. Brian's dad, Jeff, is an avid reader. He found this book at a paperback exchange and read it, was entertained by it and recommended it to Brian. Brian brought it home and is sat on my counter for about two weeks. Well one day I was desperate for some easy reading. You know the days I am referring too. Nothing planned, bad weather outside, nothing on television. You are just needing a quick read, nothing intense or deep just something to kill a couple of hours.

This book is a joke on all this nerdy. The premise of the book is mildly entertaining.

"Bimbos of the Death Sun" is a murder mystery that takes place at a science fiction convention. The author introduces us to a large number of characters, and I mean characters. First we have the Dr. James O. Mega, a science professor at the local college that wrote a little unknown science fiction novel that was asked to be a guest speaker at the convention. Know one has ever heard of him or his novel. Everyone makes the joke that he is Dr. Omega throughout the book. Get it? Nerds. Well Dr. Omega was asked to speak at this conference because the original key note speaker, Appin Dungannon, is a temperamental miserable author that writes some of the most beloved science fiction books of the day. Why is he so miserable? Because he is writing fantasy novels and having all the freaks of the world worship him and his silly books. Dungannon made sure to insult and make enemies around every corner and so when he ends up dead on the cusp of finishing the final chapter of his fantasy series everyone at the convention is a suspect. But the question becomes who would kill him, when everyone has reason to do it?

The book was ridiculous and short. Not normally my kind of read, but entertaining enough for me to finish it. It makes fun of everything you can imagine about a science fiction convention complete with Star Wars characters, Star Trek characters, and Dungeons and Dragons characters.

1 comment:

Suziepackham said...

I have never heard of the book Courdoroy......