Monday, June 21, 2010

Sunday recap: June 14-20

This week hasn't been very exciting at the Larson home. A quick review of the highlights.

We visited a lot with Bob and Virgie. Aidan loves to run about a the grass just outside their apartment. He loves to try and roll down this "hill." It reminds me of when I was a child and loved rolling down BIG hills, only to grow up and release it wasn't a hill just an unleveled piece of grass. One day Aidan will have the same realization, until then, have fun kiddo.

One day went to lunch with Bob and Virgie. Aidan was a bit restless, so Virgie busted out the hand puppet. I enjoyed this encounter far more than Aidan did. It also took me back to my childhood and Virgie's attempts to keep me happy during Sacrament meeting. Hand on the left is Virgie's and hand on the right is Aidan's.

This is what we have been doing a lot of this week. I imagine Aidan is in a killer growth spurt. All he wants to do is "cuddle" and "sleep with daddy." I love how his arm is draped around Brian. I love to cuddle like that too!

"Daddy, I need a cuddle." Aidan had just woke up from a two and a half hour nap and had slept 13 hours during the night, but nothing is better than a cuddle from daddy. I love how they put each other to sleep.

I didn't get any pictures but on Saturday night we had my Uncle Reed and Aunt Linda over for dinner. We had a good time. We made steak, popcorn shrimp, cranberry feta salad and an appetizer of a toasted french baguette with red pepper pesto. I am currently addicted to the simplicity of the red pepper pesto. YUM!

On Sunday we celebrated Father's Day. Aidan and I got Brian a deck of Magic cards, it is his new thing. We went and visited with Jeff and Bob. While visiting Bob we were able to have a nice relaxing visit with Kamala and Chris. Then I made an amazing dinner of "Denny's." I know, LAZY! But it was late and I didn't want to cook.

Oh, I nearly forgot! We also managed to see TOY STORY 3! Aidan loved it! He couldn't get enough of it. He sat and watched during the entire movie. The only time I remember him taking his eyes off the movie was when he told me he needed a drink. Good movie, go see it!

1 comment:

Debbie Burns said...

I forgot to mention I LOVE these photos!