Monday, June 7, 2010

Sunday recap: May 31-June 6

I tried all day yesterday to post something, but Google wouldn't let me. They said my site was down due to maintenance. Hmmmm...

This last week was busy and crazy, as I am beginning to feel all my weeks could be described.

Monday we woke up early so that we could go to breakfast with my cousins (the Lincoln clan, Brandon and his GF Katie). Breakfast on Memorial Day was craziness, but it is always fun to be around family. After breakfast we headed home to let Brian get some sleep, and Aidan and myself work in the yard. We added more to our garden and tried some repair work on some damaged veggies. Fingers crossed it all works out. Then we put stuff away and tried to make the backyard presentable for company. At 5PM Bob, Virgie, Suzie, Holly and Gary came over for a little BBQ. Suzie went crazy with yummy extras. Potato salad, relish tray, and her famous deviled eggs. Virgie brought her famous BBQ (or yummy sloppy joes) and shrimp salad. It was a good time by all the weather was pleasant and that was wonderful. Later that night Stephanie and Amy came over for a fun game of Phase 10.

Tuesday Aidan and I went to the day care. This was the day that Aidan barely survived. STRESSFUL!! I was in the classroom with the babies (in charge of the itty bitty babies 4 weeks to 9 months old...and there was 5 of them). Aidan flipped out and was a terror. He was throwing a tantrum and being unbearable for his teachers. Part way through the day he came over to be with me. At this point in the day I switched to the old infant side (12-23 months). Aidan wore my patience VERY thin that day. He was a bully! He would lash out, just because he could and be mean. We sent him back to his class but the lashing out worsened. He would knock kids down, spit on them, hit them, he even kicked a little girl. I had enough (as did his teachers). We put him in time out (the day care doesn't have a time out policy but his mommy does.). He lashed out some more kicking and screaming and hitting the wall. Finally I got him to settle down and then he acted up again. The next step was time out in a high chair away from the rest of the class. He wiggled and freaked out so much that the chair nearly tipped over. Luckily, this was about my time to leave, so we left. I was scheduled to work the rest of the week in the infant class. I talked with Brian and he took care of Aidan on Wed. and Thurs. (his days off) and then I found a replacement for Friday so I could be with Aidan.

This behavior is unlike Aidan and I hated seeing my boy act like this. Brian and I have talked and we think that he is freaking out because of my time spent at the day care. It has been during this time that he has showed signs of regressing. He refuses to go potty in the potty, he requests diapers. He refers to himself as a baby. He has had tantrums demanding his bottle (What!?). And refuses to walk anywhere (carry you?). I am not scheduled at the day care for a while and probably wont go back for a while, not until we figure out what is up with Aidan.

Wednesday I subbed at the day care. Aidan and Brian had a very fun bonding day. I don't think that the two of them have been completely alone together since Aidan was a wee babe. :) Boring day. Brian grilled burgers and we relaxed in the sun.

Thursday I went to the day care. Aidan and Brian had another fun bonding day. After I got off work we met up with Suzie, Holly and Gary. It was Gary's 11th birthday so we decided to go to Applebee's for dinner. Yummy. Then we dropped Brian off at home so that he could sleep and Aidan and myself went over to visit with the Lincoln's and part of the Roth clan. Can I just say I love family. Nothing specific happened but family is fun.

Friday Aidan and I decided to go and run some errands. We didn't get very far. We got distracted by the smell of popcorn and the allure of Shrek 500. I had to go and pick up some mail from the theater (weird huh). Then we attempted more errands and found that Aidan didn't want to go on more errands unless he could be held in my arms. I have no desire to try and grocery shop around Wal-Mart, while pushing a cart and holding and screaming child; so we left. This made him more mad and he freaked out. I couldn't take him home because Brian was in desperate need for sleep so we went and found Bob and Virgie at a local diner. Aidan had a tantrum for about 20 minutes. Everyone tried to help to no avail. Finally I just let him do his own thing and melt for a while. I did my best to ignore the actions while keeping him safe. After about 15 minutes he relaxed. And then he was my happy pleasant Aidan. What the heck is up with these tantrums? Many people inside the resturant (we were outside some large windows) complemented me on my "patience" for they would have "spanked him senseless." Trust me boys and girls, I thought about it. But what would that have proven? Mom can lash out not Aidan? But all in all I decided against my first impulse to spank because I probably would have gone above and beyond any limits that should have been in place. I was incensed! I am proud of myself for not resulting to the obvious, but am saddened by Aidan behavior. I hope we can both survive it. I don't like it.

Saturday we hung out at home and then ran errands all over town. Fun! Sometimes. Then we came home and relaxed. Boring huh?

Sunday we went to church and then went and visited with Bob and Virgie for a bit. We then had a relaxing day at home. I made a turkey on Saturday so we had faux Thanksgiving dinner. Yummy!

Boring and yet eventful week. Ta-da.

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