Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Aidan's First Toothbrush


Jordan said...

Thank you Katie. Because in all of the things that I have to do tonight, I now have to add this to the list, like 50 billion times. Thanks. You know what that stuff does to me.
On a side note, I am so stinking proud of how big and how smart that child is! He is the most amazing kid ever. And I'm his aunt. So I get to take soommmme credit for it.

Anonymous said...

He like the toothbrush or the toothpaste? Either way keep him brushing. Love it...

Don Woods said...

Man he is cute and teething... Can tell by all the drool just like the liam guy.

Steven and Megan said...

He is so cute! Looks like he got spoiled for his first Christmas! I am excited for our get together tonight!