Tuesday, December 9, 2008

100 things about me....

100 things about me

1. I love cooking.
2. I love experimenting with food.
3. I love that Brian allows me to experiment.
4. I experimented with dinner tonight.
5. Yep, it was gross.
6. I love the color orange.
7. Not to wear but to surround myself with.
8. I love learning.
9. I hate failure.
10. I enjoy relaxing at home.
11. I love babysitting my niece and nephew.
12. I love visiting with family.
13. I hate the telephone.
14. I love texting.
15. I check my phone all the time for missed calls.
16. Mostly cause my phone is on vibrate. I hate ring tones.
17. I hate voicemail. It was a good idea before we got caller ID. Now it is just redundant.
18. I am really excited for Santa to come this year.
19. I love the snow.
20. I do not enjoy driving behind those who are scared of snow.
21. I want to own a HUMVEE. Not a Hummer, a HUMVEE! Military issue and everything.
22. I also want a Range Rover.
23. I love the style and the "lines" of a Jaguar.
24. I think my mother is the best in the whole world.
25. I speak Spanish.
26. I took Latin in college for fun.
27. I want to learn 20 languages before I die. Not necessarily perfectly but more than my numbers and phrases. I considered myself good at three and half languages.
28. I say too much.
29. Thankfully, Brian knew that about me before we started dating.
30. I want to serve a senior mission....or 15.
31. I served in the Chile Santiago West Mission in July 00-February 02
32. I hated everyday of it.
33. But ignoring yourself and working hard really helped.
34. I am understanding football.
35. I hate that I am understanding it.
36. I want to go to culinary school.
37. Just to learn techniques and how to work with flavors and ingredients.
38. I wish I knew more family history.
39. I wish people would be more forgiving.
40. Not to forget, but forgive.
41. I wish there was more togetherness in my family.
42. I often wonder if I am the only sane one in my family, or am I the crazy one?
43. I don't understand grudges.
44. I often miss my sister for no reason.
45. And I talk and visit with her often.
46. I am proud of strong people.
47. I would fall apart emotionally if anything happened to Bob or Virgie.
48. I covet a history degree. Mainly just the piece of paper.
49. I over think about everything.
50. I miss the theater....
51. but not that much :)
52. I absolutely adore my niece and nephew.
53. I want to be able to sing.
54. I want to have more close friends.
55. But my heart can't handle betrayal and big meanies.
56. I have trust issues.
57. Brian is helping me over come them. :)
58. We did not get married in the temple.
59. It was my choice. Brian wanted to get married in the temple. I didn't want to.
60. I am a realist and hate it some days.
61. I love to play games, especially board games.
62. I love trivia games best
63. I love that my in-laws love Trivial Pursuit!
64. Others often say that I am smart.
65. I thoroughly DISAGREE!
66. My daughter's name will have Virgie somewhere in it... don't laugh!
67. I cry every time I watch The Best Two Years.
68. I would like to get a pilot's license.
69. I would enlist in the NAVY---now!
70. If they didn't have that weight requirement.
71. The thought of law school scares me.
72. It has taken me 12 years to get a Bachelor's degree!
73. Every time I look at Brian I fall more in love with him
74. I think that everyone loves my child and wants to know everything about him and what he is doing daily.
75. I am addicted to blogging.
76. I am a blog stalker.
77. I don't understand why people to post more often.
78. I don't understand why so many people opt to not comment on posts.
79. I wish I was better at nearly everything.
80. I often dream of being the center of attention doing something amazing..but it will never happen.
81. I don't know how to be a trapeze person.
82. If I could have a super power it would be to assimilate. If I was by an olympic runner, I could keep up. If I was standing next to a molecular biologist I could do his job and understand it, etc. Make sense?
83. Watching Heroes has made me think like that.
84. One of my favorites dates with Brian (when we were dating) was to sit around and watch hours and hours of Modern Marvels on the History Channel.
85. I love to scrapbook but hate the results of my labors.
86. I am excited for 2009... Aidan's first birthday, NASCAR weekend, Redfish Lake, Washington D.C., Yellowstone, buying a house, Brian's degree, baby Remington, and possibly another baby Larson! I am currently not pregnant. But there are 366 days in 2009!
87. I am having a hard time coming up with traditions for the holidays for my family.
88. I love my in-laws.
89. I am always tired.
90. I only kinda like my job.
91. I am not having much success.
92. I am a tutor for the Native American students in Northern Davis County.
93. I don't know what I want to be when I grow up.
94. I hope Aidan sleeps through the night..in his own bed!
95. I think that Aidan is a genius!
96. And you should too!
97. I miss my best friend from high school.
98. Sucks to grow up!
99. I am happy that I am a wife and a mother.
100. I did it! Now I can go to bed....

Good night.


Jordan said...

You are so funny! I cant wait for 2009 either!! It is going to be a year of firsts for us. I cant wait!

Anonymous said...

Woo-Who, now I know so much about you. I love it. You are great. Maybe in 2009 AJ and I will both have dates. Oh who am I kidding, that would just be too many firsts!

Anonymous said...

You are a very interesting person, I never knew! And I am not very good at blogging or leaving comments that's why I don't.... I'll try harder!

Tara said...

Interesting facts about you Katie!! I know you went on a mission but you didn't want to get married in the temple... why? (really just wondering-not judging!)