Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Home Stretch...

Tomorrow is my last day of school. Hopefully for a long time. I have two papers still left to write and four finals to take. I am really only worried about one final and one paper. I am feeling the stress of the end of the semester. I have worked hard for this potential degree that is coming. I say potential because that test I was worried about is for the class that decides my academic fate. I am not sure how my teacher is grading our work. So I don't have a clue as to how bad or good I have been doing in his class. My only hope for this class is that the teacher said that he grades according to the scale. Whatever that is. Brian said that for me, the scale is the best way to go. It is supposed to help with pass/fail ratios. So if my whole class feels the way that I do, I might be fine. Otherwise, I will be attending Deductive Logic next semester. I got Virgie to tend Aidan for my this afternoon so that I can punch out at least one paper, hopefully two in the next couple of hours.

But I was going to wait to show everyone but I can' t resist. Brian and I have been looking for a bedroom set for about 9 months now. We narrowed our choices down to two. Both of them were in the $1500.00-$2000.00 range for 6 pieces. Expensive huh! That is why we hadn't bought anything yet. Just bidding our time watching sales, etc. Well on Monday R.C. Willey had a sale. Our number two choice went on sale. Brian and I ran and snatched it up! We got 7 pieces for about $850.00. That's right you heard me 7 pieces or $850.00 and that includes delivery and insurance on the delivery! We got a headboard, footboard, rails, two nightstands, a dresser (the long one) and the mirror for that price. It is to be delivered this Saturday. I really feel spoiled. But it is true patience is best especially when you manage to save about a grand! I am really happy about this purchase. I usually have buyer's remorse whenever I make big purchases, but not this one! Isn't it cute! Not too girly and not too manly. Just divine!

I don't know the rules on this
but I feel the need to cite this site...
"Your home. Your way."


Don Woods said...

Very Cool Lucky.. Don't let Kristen see it she wants one so bad.

Steven and Megan said...

Congrats on getting your bedroom set!!!

Jordan said...

A room fit for a Queen...
now with that being said...
is that the room I will be sleeping in when I sleep at your house?

KatieLarson said...

Hell no! That is my magic making furniture! ;)

Debbie Burns said...

Way to go! On the bed set and on finals. It will be such a good feeling when it is all over... you almost don't care (for about a nano second) about the pass or fail. Just relief in that moment that it is over. I am so excited for you! Good luck on the papers and the exams. I'm rooting for you!

Anonymous said...

That is a really nice set and you got a great deal. I vowed to never shop at RCWilley ever again because they were to expensive, but you guys did great there. Congratulations on almost being done with school. I am sure you will pass with flying colors. We will be at the ceremony for Ryan so will probably see you there. Good luck!

Jordan said...

ew. thanks for ruining my moment katie.

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful. Congrats. Good luck on the finals.

Dustin and Kellie said...

Yay! I'm so jealous! Lucky lady. Congrats on the deal! Good luck on your papers and finals