Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday recaps: May 24-30

This week has been a moderately busy week, I love weeks like this. I was able to go into work on M-W-F. Being able to work a few hours a week really helps with my new spending problem. :) I have an addiction to fabric. Because I frequent lots of different craft websites I am finding fun ideas of projects to do. Some of these projects include Aidan, which is good, but most of them I enjoy doing. I can' t go into too much detail because of them will one day become gifts. Just understand I love them and this week alone I think I have spent nearly $25 on fabric. Yikes! But it will all pay off by the end of the year.

On Tuesday Aidan requested a quick run to space, so we did. I love the fact that he loves going and learning about space and science. I love that Brian is able to answer his scientific questions as well. I know I could fake them but that is it, nothing to in detail. And at the rate Aidan is going my pretend knowledge would be useless by the time he turns 3. LOL!

On Thursday we were able to play around the house and run some errands. Boring! But then that night we went and celebrated our good friend Lincoln's 1st birthday. We had a blast! We had some hot dogs, ate some cake, played with our friends and the best part was being able to play outside in the nice warm rain. Happy Birthday Lincoln!

Saturday was kind of busy. Yep, I would absolutely say busy! Brian went with his dad and Steven to the Science Fiction/Fantasy Convention and spent all day there. Brian had a blast playing Magic and Munchkin card games.

While Brian was away Aidan and I were busy doing fun projects around the house. Pictures will be posted on Monday. Today I stained the picnic table. The sun, warmth and the wind decided to come and hang out together on the same day, so it was ideal for staining. I didn't get it all stained but that is just because I need to let this stain dry so that I can flip the table over and do the underbelly areas. After that we came into the house and I slaved over the sewing machine. I was able to make two flat sheets for Aidan's new bed. At Wal-Mart, crib flat sheets are $7 a piece! Thanks to Wal-Mart having a sale on fabric I was able to do two flat sheets for about $2.25 total! I also made Aidan a super hero cape and face mask. He asked me to make him be a super hero, so I did. He has been wearing it all day long, so cute. Then I finished working on some quilt tops. Then Aidan and I worked on my dad's father day present. I hope he likes it, its kind of silly, but for him its ideal! :) Then I finished up making some presents for my cousins daughters. They are getting baptized in June! Yay for them! And now I am preparing the blog for this week. Woozers! No wonder I am tired and my wrists hurt!

I hope you all had a great week. We did. This next week will be busy for us...I love busy!

1 comment:

Debbie Burns said...

Wowsers! That is A LOT going on! I wish I had your energy! :) But I completely understand your addiction to fabric. Me too. It's a weakness. Joe now refuses to go to fabric stores with me! Can't wait to see pictures!