Monday, May 24, 2010

Molly Monday: Toddler Bed

This weeks major project was Aidan new toddler bed. It is a heavy duty bed that isn't going anywhere. We decided to make Aidan this bed because he needs to get out of the crib, permanently. The crib he sleeps in now has the capability to transform into a toddler bed and then into a big kid bed but we felt it best to start the transition out of the bed now. We love the crib and one day soon (hopefully sooner than later) we want to be able to use the crib for the next child.

We found the plans for this bed online here. These are free, very easy to read plans and it uses a crib mattress. Brian and I were able to buy the wood, cut the wood and put it together in about 4 hours. The thing that is taking us the longest is the staining and sanding part. I have finally put all coats of stain on the bed and I think it is dry by now (who knows with the SNOW we got this morning!) and then I need to finely sand down the bubbles from the stain and then put it in Aidan's room.

Aidan is so excited for this bed. Every time I have been outside to work on it he climbs right into the flat bed part and pretends to sleep in "his bed."


Anonymous said...

thanks for blogging whenever you have you.

Steven and Megan said...

Oh I love it! You guys did a great job! So cute that Aidan already "sleeps" in it.

Debbie Burns said...

You never cease to amaze me! Seriously, you rock! Someday I hope to be a wood cutting and staining kind of girl... but, for now, I'll stick to my denim skirts, hehe. LOVE the bed!