Monday, May 10, 2010

A bust for Mother's Day?

I have a question for all of my dutiful blog followers. I have been feeling kind of down today. Today is Mother's Day and aside from me trying to make sure that certain people felt my appreciation I have felt very under appreciated. Brian implied a few years ago that (in not so many words) I was not his mother so he didn't really feel the need to celebrate this holiday with me. Granted I am the mother of his child, but until that child gets old enough to want to celebrate it FOR me, I was going to be without.

Growing up I was taught differently about this day. Mother's Day isn't just a day for a phone call to your mother, though that is fine, it is more a day about appreciation for all the things that mothers do. Not just your mother. What are some attributes that mother's have? Think about this. Is it only your mother that has these attributes? Was there ever another woman in your life that shared these attributes with you? For me mothers day is a day of appreciation. All mothers have their faults, but each woman is a woman of incredible worth and at least once in a while we should say thank you for always being there when you need them, being a teacher, being an example, sharing wisdom, and just loving someone.

I am not trying to hurt feelings, and I hope I didn't hurt Brian's feelings, that is not my intention. I understand that many people have differing ideas on this day. One of my old roommates got mad at me one year for buying her flowers on Mother's Day because she wasn't a mother and she wasn't close to being a mother (not dating anyone). I tried to explain that I didn't mean to hurt her feelings, but she still refused my gift and even asked that I remove them from the house. My intention was never to offend.

But here I am hurt late at night because I wasn't acknowledged for being a mother by my two year old son or my husband. I had a great day with my extended family (they have the same opinion of the day as I do). Am I wrong for having these feelings? Why am I having these feelings?

Sorry for being a downer, but I need some input.


Steven and Megan said...

I agree with you Katie, and let me just say Happy Mother's Day to you! You are such a great friend and and a wonderful mommy and I am lucky to have you in my life! And I know Aidan loves you too even though he couldnt celebrate mothers day this year.

Jason & Jill said...

Katie you are 100% right on this one. Mother's day is not a day that requires you merely acknowledge your own mother. That is absurd. What other day is specifically designed for a man to thank his wife for giving him the most precious gift of all? Motherhood is often a thankless job. Out of everyone on this earth that should be grateful for all your hard work raising Aidan, shouldn't it be the one raising him with you? And Mother's day is set aside as a day to express that very thanks. I'm sorry your Mom's day wasn't better but just for the record, I think you're an awesome mom!

Suziepackham said...

I have to say 'ditto' to the other sentiments. And..... I do understand your feelings and I'm sorry you have felt this hurt. Don't forget you're awesome, wonderful, great, the best of the best, and everything that was written in the card I gave you is true. YOU ARE the one who puts others first, and makes sure they are taken care of and you have an uncanny knack of making everyone in the room feel they are the 'special' one. You deserve reciprocity and I know this isn't much but please know how much you're loved by everyone.