Sunday, May 9, 2010


Tonight was a night that I should be mad and frustrated at something my Aidan did but I can't because he puts such a smile on my face. Brian and I had put Aidan to bed at 1030PM (he had a late nap). He got his juice, a new diaper, hugs and kisses. The routine was complete. We turned off the light, turned on the new Spiderman night light and walked away. Brian headed off to work and I eagerly watched Betty White on SNL. I found some skits entertaining, but realized why I don't watch it that often; too much innuendo for me. Well just after it ended I heard Aidan yelling as loud as he could "MOMMY HELP PLEASE" over and over again.

I usually ignore Aidan yelling at me but something about his words and tone made me run at full speed upstairs to see what was going on. Glad I did.

*Close your eyes and imagine the following*

I turn the light on to find Aidan naked straddling the side of his crib. You heard me naked, completely in his birthday suit. As I walk over to him I notice that all of his bedding is in a heap on the floor, he had stripped his bed of his blankets, sheets, pillow and baby doll and Elmo (yes, my son sleeps with a baby doll. I am fine with it, you should be too!)

I get him down and he responds in a very relieved voice "Tank You Mommy." And promptly sits on the floor. I sit down on the floor with him and ask him why he is naked. "I go potty" he replies. To that I grab his unsoiled diaper off the ground (he took it off) and respond by saying that his diaper wasn't dirty. Then he stands up and walks to the pile of bedding on the floor and says "dirty." He then gives me a big hug and says "Tank you Mommy."

Using my mommy deductive skills I believe the following happened. We are in potty training mode. He is very good at identifying when he needs to go to the bathroom. He actually enjoys trying to take off his clothes. I think he realized he had to go potty, didn't want to go in the diaper. Took off his clothes, took off his clean diaper and then realized he couldn't go to the bathroom toilet. He had an accident on his bedding and removed all of the contaminants (just like how mommy and daddy do it). Then he realized he needed his underpants/diaper back on and tried to go and get it. But got stuck on the side of the crib. Anyone would be uncomfortable being high centered like that but add to the equation being naked. Poor boy!

I love the fact that my Aidan is smart. I love times like this when I should feel frustrated and upset because of what he did/does. But I thank Heavenly Father daily for the blessing that Aidan is in my life. What a sweetheart! He is absolutely in the terrible two stage but he is also showing his independence, knowledge, understanding, reasoning, and so many other skills. Earlier today I got paint on my hands and I was looking around for the nearest paper towel, baby wipe, anything to clean my hand off. As I was looking around I noticed Aidan watching me, and before I could ask he ran to where the wipes were and handed them to me and said "You okay?" Yes, Aidan now mommy is fine. Thank you for thinking ahead and helping mommy.

I have never wanted to be the jumpy mom. You know the mom that panics and freaks out over everything. So when Aidan falls or bumps his head I try and not react until I get some kind of reaction from Aidan. When Aidan coughs or gags, Brian and I watch him intently and then wait to see if he can correct it himself, he always does. When he recovers we ask "Are you okay?" He replies "Yes, okay." Well a couple of weeks ago I took a drink of water and inhaled wrong. I began to cough. Aidan stopped building his spaceship, walked over to me and asked "Mom okay?" I kept trying to say yes in between coughs. When he didn't the answer he wanted he climbed on the couch, got behind me and put my arms in the air. When I was done coughing, he asked again "Mom okay?" I responded, free of coughing "yes mom okay." Aidan got off the couch, went back to his toys and said in a very pleased tone "cool mom."

I LOVE MY BOY! He may not be an angel, but he is just what I need!


Anonymous said...

he is very smart.. i'm glad you are writing all of these things down.
give him a hug for me..

Suziepackham said...

He is definitely a smart little boy. I'm so thankful you let him be a part of my life.

Steven and Megan said...

We love Aidan! What a cute/silly boy. I'm glad he is getting the hang of potty training :)

cherroth said...

Oh the joys of motherhood! You are such a good MOM! You are doing things just right, because you love and care for your son and he shows signs of being soooo loved. Keeo up the good work.