Sunday, January 11, 2009

One hour fifteen minutes....

Who is the boss? The parent or the child? I thought that I always was the boss until tonight. Aidan has been ignoring his bed time, and his bed. All he wants to do is stay up late and sleep with mommy and daddy. We have tried but I realized recently that I am a sucker. Brian and I have agreed on a 9 PM bedtime. If it were any earlier Brian would not get to see Aidan except on the weekends. So tonight at 9PM I put him in his bed. He just quit crying moments ago. It was so hard to listen to him scream for so long. I hope that this will get easier. I hope that I am doing the right thing. I have been so scared lately because so much is going on in our lives that maybe he was feeling scared and confused. We are moving this weekend. We have been packing and preparing for this move for about three weeks. Every room in the house has changed dramatically in those three weeks. Everything in boxes. Boxes being shifted around. I just hope this was the right timing to get aggressive on his bed time.


Cami said...

if anything, I think it will be good for him to adjust to falling asleep in new places. It will help when you go on vacations, or if he spends time with gma and pa. My kids struggle when they are away from their beds. Keep with it.. I Promise the reward is great! I already told you my book suggestion on facebook :)

Cami said...

Sorry, one other thing I was going to tell you. Landon was his age when we did the whole cry it out thing, he cried over an hour the first night, 30 minutes the second night, and only like 3 minutes the third night. After that, we had success! Dawson was different, he had to problem putting himself to sleep, he just liked to wake up in the night and come in bed with us. As much as I loved it, I didn't want it to become a long-term habit. Anyway.. sorry this is long, I am just interested in his progress as I am going through the same thing with Dawson right now.

Don Woods said...

Just stick to it is the advice I could give. The best thing we ever did with liam is we stick him in another room where nothing is going on and put him down. Some times he scream but we don't go in there to help him. Only if it is the type of scream that you know is not normal(were not heartless). Now we lay him down and he goes down with out a fuss. And don't feed him in the middle of the night or he will get use to it and wake up for it. Something we have learned the hard way but we have broken him of it now.