Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Washington DC trip Day 7

OH my! Today started out busy and stressful and then....nothing.

We woke up super early again so that we could make our appointment at the White House and get tickets to the top of the Washington Monument. Brian and I headed to the Monument to stand in line and Pat, Jeff and Ann went to the White House. Lorraine wasn't feeling well and didn't want to go. We managed to get four tickets to the top of the Monument and then Brian and I headed on the metro up to the White House. Our appointment was for 930...we were supposed to be there 15 minutes early...we exited the metro at 920 and were supposed to walk 3 blocks. Brian and I were exhausted so we decided that there was no way to make it up three blocks for the tour so we got back on the metro and found his family. We now had an hour to kill before the elevator to the top. Jeff and I were exhausted and didn't want to go, so we headed back to the room. Brian, Ann and Pat went to the top and said it was awesome. They made it back to the room about 1230 PM.

From there....the day is extremely boring! We all stayed in at the hotel and we just watched television, did circle finds, read books and everyone had some pretty amazing naps. Brian, Aidan and I ended up sleeping for almost 3.5 hours! We were exhausted. Lorraine grabbed us some burgers from the hotel cafe and then for dinner we ordered pizza. And that is all we did...all day long. We didn't even make it to the swimming pool. But we all really needed this day to regroup and refocus. The last days of our trip are planned for travel and long days in the rental car.

So now I say to the blogging world...we are relaxed are ready for more travel.

On a side note...I never saw Jimmie, Jr. or any others...but as you read...we never made it to the white stinking tired.

Good nnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........

1 comment:

Suziepackham said...

you sure needed the rest. I would've died long before then. LOL