Thursday, August 13, 2009

Washington DC trip Day 1

Aidan and Brian waiting patiently at the terminal. Why do we have to be there two hours early again? I forget...

Aidan and Stephanie....AKA Saucie....just relaxing, waiting on the airplane and watching some airplanes in the background.
Brian and Aidan on the airplane. Brian being all cheesy because he knew that the only reason for this picture was for the blog and scrapbooking purposes.

Aidan did fairly well for a first time little boy flyer. We gave him some motrin before we took off and hoped for him to sleep. He slept for about 30 minutes of the nearly 4 hour flight. Good thing I had Brian. Aidan wanted nothing to do with me. He just wanted his daddy. I was able to have many firsts on this flight. My first time in an airplane bathroom...what a joke! My first time have a wet diaper spill out onto Brian's lap (okay so that's Brian's first time). My first time changing a diaper in the airplane bathroom. Good thing I mastered the wrap-it-around-the-standing-child practice. First time trying to change a smelly diaper on a plane (you can't do this while the child stands). The first time telling a flight attendant that yes I will be using the "special first class bathroom my son is soggy bottom boy!". The first time cleaning up throw up at 32,000 feet. (Brian got the throw up...I got clean up). The first time apologizing profusely to all around me for the child who kept trying to talk to them all. And my favorite...the first time hearing Aidan say "B-ELLOO". We decided to wait until the end to exit the plane. As everyone walked by Aidan would say HELLLOOO and smile. So I smiled and told him to say BYE BYE (because the flight was over and everyone was leaving). Aidan smiled backed and then started saying BELLLOOO BELLLOOO ( I believe Bye and Hello in a new word). I love this kid. Aidan also found a new adventure...escalators and elevators. He was nervous at first but then he wanted to ride everyone that we came across. Hilarious!

Ann picking up the car from the National rental desk. We originally wanted to book a mini-van so that we could all hang out in the same car. But after checking prices we said no. The price of two cars was way cheaper than a mini-van. But when we got to the desk, the lady asked if we would just like a mini-van instead of the two cars. Yes! It was not only cheaper than originally getting the van but cheaper than getting two rental cars. Lovely I say! Lovely!
The Larson clan waiting patiently to know about the vehicle situation...

After getting the mini-van and thankfully...getting ALL the bags into the 8 passenger van we were off. We had flown into BWI (Baltimore Washington International Airport) we had to drive south to Washington DC. This took about 45 minutes...thankfully Brian has a GPS program on his telephone...that also saved some cash on the car expenditures. The GPS always makes sure that it gives you the most direct route to the destination...even if it is straight through the city. I have been to DC twice before so I knew what to expect. But the greater Larson clan was so excited to see everything! I am now so much more excited. Their excitement will make me super excited too! After finding our hotel room we decided to order in some Pizza Hut and relax. Tomorrow is a busy day.

Finally we made it to the hotel room. Aidan wasn't really into all the toys I brought him, but this stroller sure is fun!
Ann and Lorraine relaxing on the bed watching some television. We were able to get two rooms right next door to each other. And the best part is the connection door. Aidan has been going in and out of it all night long.
Pat and Jeff relaxing as well. After such a crazy day traveling both by land and air...everyone is in need of some serious sleep time!

Tomorrow well be the best day ever! At 1 PM local time...I am getting sealed for time and all eternity to Brian and Aidan!!!!! Yippie....or yabba dabba dOOOOOOOOOOOO!

My turn to sleep. Good night!


Suziepackham said...

Sounds like traveling with a little one is an adventure. Oh, I'm so happy for you. Make sure and blog your feelings about the temple as soon as you can. I am excited to hear. I wish you a beautiful, wonderful day tomorrow. I love you Doodles....

Debbie Burns said...

Yay!!! Keep the pics and updates coming. I am so excited for you guys!

Dustin and Kellie said...

What a great trip. That is too bad about all the bodily functions on a plane.

I'm so EXCITED for you guys!

Since today is August 14 and it is 6:38 pm it looks like I am the first blogger to be able to say CONGRATULATIONS! Yay for the Larsons. I wish we could've been there! Enjoy D.C.!