Wednesday, August 5, 2009

This is a test of the EBS (emergency broadcasting system)

What a year! So much has happened. We have been so blessed. But just when we think that life is good. We get a surprise. One that we never ever wanted. But, I keep telling myself, it's only Satan causing us problems. We are going in 7 days to Washington DC to get sealed for time and all eternity. Satan has been testing us for a while and I thought I was handling everything very well. Well today was a super special day. I wish it never happened...but maybe I will be taking everything back later.

Brian went to work today, just to be terminated. Poor Brian. I don't think anyone likes or wants or does well with a situation like this. Brian came home and we talked. We have been devising plans all day long. And then we went off and did what we had already planned....we went to the Bountiful Temple with his sister Ann. It is such a delight to be able to go to the temple feel the spirit, regroup, search for answers, and best of all I got rid of it. I talked with the Lord and I released myself from this burden. Don't get me wrong. Brian is still unemployed and we still have a lot to do to get him a job so that we can pay our bills. But I can't stress or think about this anymore, not in the irrational crazy way. We have been doing everything we can to prepare ourselves for the temple. We will continue to do all that we can to be able to receive the blessings that the Lord has in store for us. I can do this. We can do this.

If you know of any positions avaliable in his line of work...please let us know. He is looking for a help desk/networking position. He has experience and qualifications.

This is only a test of the EBS.....


Micah Kormylo said...

I am so sorry to hear that Brian lost his job. Such a bummer. I am so glad to hear that your faith is not wavering. A lesson I've learned over the past few years is that the Lord has a plan for us. Things happen that may not be on our list of "things to do" or part of our plan, but they work out in the end. You are so strong and so amazing. I am so excited for you guys to be sealed. It is quite amazing. Love you! Hang in there!

Steven and Megan said...

Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that Brian lost his job. If there is anything we can do to help we will! I'm excited that you get to be sealed soon!! Anytime you want to go to the park and play we will go! Zoe wants to play with Aidan!!

Jones said...

Katie and Brian I am praying for you. I agree that trusting in the Lord will be the best way to deal with this crisis. You will endure and be blessed. Love ya.

Dustin and Kellie said...

We were at the Bountiful Temple the same day!!!! :)

I know that it is overwhelming and frustrating and you feel completely lost for a second. But let me tell you, as someone living a very similar life.. I have got a little advice for you two -That is not at all different from what you are doing. We've just had 7 1/2 months to asses the situation..
#1- TITHING!!!!!!!! I can not begin to tell you the ways that tithing has blessed my family. It has been huge, it has been major. I don't think we will ever question the power of tithing for the rest of our lives.
#2- Continue leaning on each other. The last few months have been a great opprotunity to grow closer in our marriage. I have always thought that the stress of something like a layoff could ruin a marriage. I guess I never thought of how much it can bless it.
#3- Even though you feel lost, the Lord is very aware of you. Things have worked out in almost magical ways, and I know that stay close to the Lord is the reason for it.

We love you guys. Good luck on the job hunt. We'll remember you in our prayers!