Sunday, May 3, 2009

I did it...well kind of

Do you see what I see? That is right people! A band-aid. Today Aidan fell while he was playing outside, scrapped up his little knee. It was very tragic. His first major boo-boo. So he flipped out on me....yep he had a melt down because it hurt so bad. And guess what I put on some healing cream and Brian put on the Band-Aid. I know that I didn't put on the Band-Aid but I allowed the Band-Aid to be put on Aidan. See everyone I am growing up. I am being a good compassionate mother. Notice Aidan pointing at his Band-Aid. He didn't understand what mommy and daddy were doing, but it helped it to feel better...and I got a big hug out of it. Aaahhh. I am trying everyone. Maybe next time I will be able to put on the Band-Aid. I doubt it too....


Micah Kormylo said...

Um..... do you not like band aids or something? Explanation, please?

Dustin and Kellie said...

Yeah.. I hate to tell you but that first one leads to A MILLION! Sorry to break that news. Maren and Ethan both constantly beg for band-aids! (Then I find them all over the house. Aparently band-aids are insta-heal to little kids. They think they only need to wear it for like 3 seconds..)

KatieLarson said...

Lindsey...I hate all things sticky. Especially band-aids. There is nothing more disgusting and repelling than seeing a used old band-aid on the ground...yuck. And yes I did say sticky. Post it notes, stickers, etc. etc. etc. the list can be endless...:) And yes I know I am a freak.

Tara said...

Really Katie, anything sticky?? That is something I never knew about you. And yes Kellie, it leads to a million bandaids... I remember Hunter needing like 5 for one boo-boo!