Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sacrament and Aidan is like oil and water

I don't get it. Why is this such a big deal? Why can't I figure it out and fix it?

Aidan and church. They apparently don't get along. I have tried to do everything I can think of to make this scenario work out successfully, but nothing is working for me. Church is at 1PM. Typically when Aidan starts to get tired. I assume that this is what most of the problem is with the situation. I have tried treats, books, activities (I even made a Quiet Book!), extra milk, extra juice, waking up early to get him nearly asleep so that he will be ASLEEP after the car ride to church. I have tried sitting in the benches and the over flow. I have tried taking him out and letting him run himself exhausted. Nothing is working. The only other thing that I can think of is a sedative and I really don't think that is a good idea. Or going inactive until all of our kids are older than age five. And I don't think that would work out so well. I enjoy church and learning and feeling of the spirit! But today was my last straw. Brian is always really good about helping me through the meeting. But today well was a dosie. Aidan kept hitting the ladies in front of him (they thought it was funny so of course Aidan continued), he began singing loudly with the choir and even clapped enthusiastically when they finished. He kept yelling mom during the talks. And when Brian took him out, I could hear him screaming MOM from the hallway. What made all of this worse? Today's talks were on being able to hear the spirit and how good mother's teach there children young to be good and reverent in church. Okay maybe those weren't the talks but THAT'S ALL I HEARD!!! And then all I could see were the stares of everyone around me...glaring...judging...saying "enough with that kid."

Can anyone help? I anxiously await August when Aidan turns 18 months old and then all of my struggling through Sacrament meeting will give me a moment of rest during the other meetings. We haven't had the energy to even try the others in so long it is ridiculous.

Some have said that it is my fault for not teaching him earlier to be reverent. Maybe that's true but I don't know. How would you teach a 15 month old to be reverent?

I have a greater respect for my mother. I remember her struggling through church with her four kids. I don't know how she did it! I don't know how any parent does it! This is crazy!
On a side note...when Aidan was singing with the choir and clapped for them....the entire bishopric laughed at us. I don't necessarily want the bishop to be zeroing in on the loud family with only one kid. AAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH! Help!!!


Cami said...

K, well.. it's 3:41 right now, and we also have 1pm church. As you can see we left EARLY, and we do most every week because of Dawson. I cannot stand church with kids at this age. It's so hard! Naptime and 1pm church clash!

Have people really said its your fault for not teaching him earlier?! What the?! He is what, like 15 months old? Wow, they must not have kids :)
The only thing that worked for us with Landon was to be consistent in the fact that all the "fun" things happen in the chapel (books, treats, toys etc..) and when he has to be taken out in the foyer he has to be held. It drives me NUTS when I see parents with their kids running around in the foyer,having a fun time.. why would the kids sit still and be good in sacrament when they can have more fun in the hall? Seriously, it's hard training them to be good in sacrament, we are there with Dawson, but I really think the key is to make going out in the foyer NOT FUN. :)

Micah Kormylo said...

I agree with Cami.... the foyer is not a "fun" place. We learned that the hard way with Brode. This age is really tough. They don't really know what is going on and they've learned this new ability to get around. YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONE. Every parent goes through this at this age. And it seems like everyone is looking at you but I bet you no one is bugged with you like you feel they are. Please just keep going.

When Brode was this age I was pregnant and Micah was half asleep during church because he worked all night the night before. Life was not fun for us. We'd leave after sacrament too. I think a lot of people do. Just go and know that nursery is right around the corner. And that you truly are not alone if though it seems like it.

One thing Micah began doing with Brode was restraining him. Once he got loud or out of control Micah would take him out to a dark room and sometimes the car and hold him down. Hands and feet. He wouldn't let him move and once he calmed down Micah would talk to him about being a good boy and playing. We still do this every once in awhile, but I'll tell ya, he comes back in and is good and quiet. Hang in there. It is so worth it. Just a small stepping stone to those well behaved spiritual children.