Friday, August 27, 2010

Friday Movie Review: The Expendables

This movie is rated R for a reason...ridiculous amounts of action. No, seriously, ridiculous. The last half hour blows past in a barage of explosions, stunts, and fight scenes.

I wanted to go see this movie merely because of the cast. I didn't expect much going into it, and got what I expected. This movie was written by Rambo, directed by Rocky and produced by The Transporter and Oscar. Starring Tango, The Transporter, John McClaine, The Terminator, The One, He-Man, WhipLash, a WWE wrestler, a UFC champion and Julia Roberts older brother. And so with as the main billing cast, you can imagine that it was short, very short on good writing ability (no hope of an Oscar here, maybe a Razzie :)) But if you like blow 'em up action movies with little regard to whether or not you learned a valuable lesson from a movie, this one is for you. If you have ever been curious what happened to all of your favorite action heroes from the 1980s and 90s, this movie is for you. I still question why Van Damme wasn't in it, but oh well. And a plus is that you can actually understand He-Man (Dolph Lundgren) now! Yippie!

1 comment:

Steven and Megan said...

Mmmm but Jason Statham is so worth looking at :)