Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wednesdays blessings

A renewal of life. We have a spot in our backyard that has been struggling all year. Well I resolved to focus a lot of attention on this spot and water it constantly. No skipping days or minutes. Every night it gets 90-120 minutes of was bad. It hasn't all come back in but I can see that it is no longer struggling. I love being able to see the transformation. I also love to see the vibrant green and not the neglected yellow.

A full queen size bed. My bed sleeps well with two people in it. It even does alright with a squirt in there. But it doesn't do very well with just one person in it. I can't believe the difference in sleep that I get when I sleep solo in the bed versus sleeping together with Brian. You might think that sleeping solo would be ideal; the whole bed, no sharing covers, tossing and turning as you would like. NO! I love cuddling with Brian. I don't get to do it often, but what a treat when we get to sleep together.

Cell Phones. Seriously what would we ever do without them. They didn't become popular until I got home from my mission so I know I survived with out them, but how, I know not. What a wonderful technological tool, when used properly.

Fabric remnants. I got bored yesterday and decided to make Aidan a snake. He loves it. I love being able to create and see the fruits of my labors.

A child's prayer. Aidan and I pray every night. He usually doesn't want to participate with me but we do it anyway. I usually kneel and say the prayer and Aidan usually ends up on his bed. He tries to keep his eyes closed but still struggles. He won't repeat the words after me, so I just say a little prayer as if it came from Aidan. He is good about saying Amen. Last night as I was saying the prayer, Aidan kept saying Woody Buzz. Finally I asked him in a whisper what he was saying. He said in a whisper back Woody Buzz sleep good too Mommy. So we added that to the prayer. After the Amen, he gave me the biggest hug and said thank you mommy for the prayer. Progress? Absolutely.

A motivate husband. Brian was really tired last night so he slept for like 15 hours. I hate when he does that but I let him because he obviously really needed it. Grave yard shift...blah! So this morning I woke up to the sound of a lawn mower. I went to the window to see from where it came and Brian had woke up and mowed the lawn. FANTASTIC! When he finished he told me everything he had managed to do whilst I was sleeping. What a treat! Drain cleared-check, lawn mowed- check, lawn weeded- almost check. It makes my day so much more pleasant when he is on board. Thanks honey!

A wise two year old. We watch cartoons On Demand. I love it! While Aidan watches the little kid friendly version of Spiderman they have interruptions by toy companies. One add literally says "you know you want the Battle Force 5. Go. Tell your parents you have to have it. Now." What? After a couple of times of seeing this Aidan came up to me and said "Mom I need. Now. Toy. Now." I looked at him and asked "Are you sure you need THAT. Now?" He thought a moment and said "No. I play with bubbles." I just hope peer pressure stays away longer than the not so subliminal messages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog. It's fun to hear how Aidan is growing up and reasoning things out. I wish I had half your energy and your appreciation of everything going on. You are wonderful. I love you.