Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Movie Review: WarGames

A classic. A super silly wonderful 80s social commentary. Aidan really enjoyed this movie. He kept saying he wanted to play the game too. :)

This movie is about a teenage hacker in the early 1980s. Matthew Broderick plays the hacker and the ultimate hack is when he hacks into a super secret military database. This database has a long list of "games" to play. He harmlessly begins playing "global thermonuclear war" against a computer. Problem is the computer is programmed to win. As the computer begins to play the game, the government control room begins to see all the game moves as aggressive moves by enemy countries. Basically the humans in the control room don't realize it is a game and they decide to go after there enemies. Can Matthew Broderick convince the computer to end the game before it is over? Can humans ignore their gut instinct in the time of war? Is nuclear war a winnable war?

Classic movie with classic memories attached. Good movie.

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