Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesdays blessings

Chatting. I am scared to death of chit-chat. I am not good at it, I am not carefree and relaxed in my conversations so chit chat means deer in head light sensation, for me. After living here for over a year I can honestly say that I have had a conversation with my neighbor to the East. After chatting yesterday over a common topic, gardens (hers is amazing and I want to be just like her) I have understood why we haven't talked much. She was just as scared as I was. I may be wrong, this wasn't covered in our conversation but I am pretty sure she is from Eastern Europe (moderate to heavy accent). So her excuse is the language/accent barrier, and my excuse was nervousness. Glad we finally got through that. On a side note, I learned lots about gardening and especially what worked best with the previous owners of this house. Pray for my peppers.

Global Thermonuclear Warfare...and other social commentaries from the 80s. They bring a smile to my face and a sense of nostaligia. Do you know what movie this is from? You get one other clue...Joshua. That is it. If you know or are curious make a comment. :)

Grandparents. I get so excited when they come over for a brief visit. Nothing detailed or important is really ever discussed. We have never solved a problem or figured out the answer to any burning questions in the universe, but being around them is splendiferious!

Status Updates. Because I am not a good conversationalist, there is something to be said about little venting blurbs to the universe. I love being able to "know" what is going on in someones life but not needing to "respond" or "converse" about the situation. For me sometimes that is all I need to share, not to converse. I think this is the reason why I like text messaging too.

Digital photography. In my work as a quilter I have used my camera-phone for so many reasons. I have taken pictures of my progress. I can say progress because from my first few lap blankets to now I can see a skill level change and I can see me perfecting my techniques. I also take photos of fabric I have stored, have used, and want to buy. It is also helpful in trying to buy completementary fabrics.

Husbands. At least mine. Have you ever found yourself just being a girl about something? I do, all the time. Thank goodness for a manly man like Brian. Always willing to get his hands dirty and touch ickiness. Thank you Brian for being more of a man than I will ever be. :)

Kisses and Cuddles. Though he thinks it is a game. Kisses from Aidan are wonderful. He loves to ask to be cuddled and then proceeds to pucker up his lips and plant them on you. I love this display of affection. I love love love it! I hope it never ends.

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