Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesdays blessings

1. Fabric flowers. These are so fun to make. They are a blessing because (aside from occasionally getting burned) they are relaxing to make and I don't need a lot of fabric to make them. For the tutorial click here (they recently re-did the tutorial. It used to be a video and now it is easy to follow pictures. They use fabric glue, I carefully use hot glue).

2. ACE. Or Aviation Center for Education. This is located at HAFB and is within the museum walls. Back in the day, when I volunteered at the museum, I helped run the program. It helps young children understand the basic dynamics of flight. Aidan and I had the opportunity to go up and play in the Center for about 90 minutes. He loved it. He really enjoys science, just like his dad. And I vow to feed his hunger for more science and space. Maybe he will be a pilot or an astronaut!

3. Follow through! What a blessing this is. Sometimes I get myself in over my head, but I am grateful that my parents instilled in me a desperate need to follow things through to the end.

4. Hope. Need I say more?

5. General Conference. I realize it is a month away, but I am getting so excited to here the words. Who would have thought that not so long ago I dreaded watching conference (I could have been sleeping) and now it is something I am eagerly looking forward too.

6. Food storage. Money is tight right now. And what a blessing it is to be able to cook meals according to our food storage. I am grateful that it is pretty stocked.

7. Garden. Going along with food storage, what a rush it is to be able to go and pick fresh produce at my (and natures) convenience. I love me some fresh pico de gallo. :)

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