Saturday, September 11, 2010


This last week Aidan has been struggling with sleeping in his own bed. One night I said that he could sleep with me but he needed to go right to sleep. I was in the middle of a good book and didn't want to stop on a count of a ornery two year old. Once we were comfortably in bed Aidan wiggles close to me and says "You read me, you read me mommy book." Which translates to read me your book mommy. I giggled and began. I can't explain how happy I was knowing that I was reading something good and not embarrassed to share with my two year old.

At this point in the book my two main characters just declared and extreme liking for one another and talk about the first kiss. They finally agree on it and the book describes the kiss by saying something like he closed his eyes and puckered and she did the same and that first kiss what remarkable. Blah Blah Blah. As I read this part to Aidan he tells me to "stop read mom." I stopped and looked over at him. My sweet ornery two year got into a sitting position and then with all he little ability closed his eyes and puckered his little lips. Keep in mind that this is two separate motor skills happening, and he wasn't very good at it. Especially because he was trying to find my face to kiss. He would close his eyes into a squinting formation and then focus really hard on puckering up only to realize that he wasn't closing his and try it again. He finally managed to kiss my face. I began to cry. What a sweet heart! I learned some things that night.

1- he really does listen to my words
2- he is a little bit of a romantic
3- he loves to kiss his mommy
4- he is up to any challenge
5- no matter how naughty he is, I am wrapped around his little fingers. I am a sucker. I love that kid!

1 comment:

Steven and Megan said...

Awe! I love that! How sweet :)