Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wednesdays blessings

1. Good books. Not just entertaining but a book that makes you happy when you walk away from it. A book that inspires you and guides you too.

2. Dedicated husband. Brian has been studying ever so diligently for a major test he has for work in three weeks. Nothing bad will happen if he fails, except failing it the first time. But if he passes it means a substantial raise and another certification for his career. Good luck honey!

3. Sweet child of mine. He read me a story last night. He was so cute about it. He was very animated and excited. I really only caught certain words, and those words had NOTHING to do with the words written on the pages, but it was highly entertaining and brought tears to my eyes. Hopefully soon he will have a love of books, the same way that Brian and I do.

4. Personal inspiration. Sometimes it is easy for me to get answers and other times, no. Sometimes this inspiration comes because I need to apply it in my life or because a light bulb went off. No matter the reason, I love personal inspiration/revelation. Nothing makes my heart happier.

5. Grandparents. I am blessed with half of my grandparents still. What a blessing they are! Aidan is blessed with four grandparents and three great grandparents. I love to see the interaction he has with them. He enjoys spending time with them and considers them his friends (his words not mine) and I love it! Mission nearly accomplished.

6. Aidan's new word. Need. I love this word half the time. The other half not so much. When I do love it, it is because he "needs a hug" or he "needs time with daddy" or he "needs Grandpa Jeff to play with me" or he "needs to go and play with Bob and Grandma." These needs I love and I will continue to help him with these needs. When he "needs Coke" or "needs chocolate chips before bed" or "needs to go to the park at bedtime" not so much.

7. Lists. I love organizing my day with a good list. I always make sure that I put big stuff and small stuff on the list. What a sense of accomplishment when I get a list completed or mostly complete.

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