Saturday, March 27, 2010

Whack Whacks!

Dialogue between Aidan and I about a month ago...

Me: Aidan, what is that? (pointing to a duck)
Aidan: whack whack
Me: What? Is it a duck?
Aidan: No! whack whack
Me: Aidan that's a duck. What does the duck say?
Aidan: Momma, yellyow (yellow) whack whack!
Me: (light bulb goes off) I get it! Yes Aidan!

Aidan doesn't call them ducks, he calls them whack whacks. Why? Well because ducks say whack whack. LOL! I have tried explaining to him that they say Quack Quack, but he knows best, they say whack whack.

Today we went and played with Zoe, Lincoln and Megan at the park and then we went and fed the ducks by our house. We love where we bought our house. The duck pond is three house away from us! We are always going for walks to go see the "Whack Whacks."

Picture of the pond.

Aidan and Zoe feeding the ducks.
Actually the ducks weren't all that interested today,
instead we littered the pond with bread.
Aidan enjoyed throwing whole slices of bread into the water.

Aidan coming back for more bread.

After we fed the ducks and took a walk, we played a bit in the
backyard. Lincoln was having a lot of fun
sitting in the Flintstone car!
Thanks McFadden's for playing with us!

1 comment:

Steven and Megan said...

Thanks for inviting us! It was fun! I hope the ducks are a little more hungry next time :)