Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spring is coming!

Last fall Brian and I went through a eliminated a lot of randomness that this yard had that we didn't like. Icky rose bush, random overgrown daisy bush, the tulip bulbs that were dug up by the dogs, the "was that a weed or a treeling", lots of wood chips, and so many others. In the front yard we knew that there were still plants that needed to be removed. But because we didn't quite know what do with it once it was gutted, we decided to let the stuff in the front yard stay for another year, until it is removed (one project at a time). Yesterday I noticed some color in our front flower beds. So pretty to see color after months of seeing white, dirt, and brown. The little dark green sprouts are more tulips. I can't wait to see them in bloom. That was one of the things that made us fall in love with this house. More pictures coming of the blooming tulips.

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