Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Lets go fly a kite!

Aidan and daddy flying his Spiderman kite.

It goes higher and higher into the sky.
Aidan had so much fun.

The McFadden's getting Zoe's kite sky ready.

Steven and Zoe flying her
Buzz Lightyear kite super high!

Typical of all kites, the strings got tangled.
No worries that why we brought the daddies.

I haven't flown a kite in years. It is so much fun! I am pretty sure that it was so fun because it was a first experience with my Aidan. He loved it! We invited the McFadden's to meet us at Ellison Park in West Layton. We bought some pizza and candy (a quick picnic idea) and then we flew the kites. Brian was so cute with Aidan. Aidan seriously had a blast. Zoe Kay did so good with her kite. And then the kiddos had fun just running all over the soccer field we were at.

My favorite moment during this fun activity was repeated twice for my benefit. I giggled and giggled. Aidan had a hold of the kite, he was doing so well, and then he did it. He let go. The kite flew up high in the air and Brian took off running down the soccer field in a zig zag motion (following the kite) until he was able to catch the kite string. Aidan thought it was pretty funny too. He thought it was so funny that he did it again. Thanks Aidan. And thanks to the McFadden's for the fun time.

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