Thursday, March 4, 2010

Captain "PaintmaRoom"

The other day as we were painting Aidan's bedroom, he found the tape. Just so we are all on the same page, painters tape doesn't bother me. I don't know why but it doesn't. Aidan began to play with the remanents of old tape and I decided that we should dress him up. So I made this outfit, just off the top of my head. When it was all done, Aidan began to position himself into some pretty funny positions. It reminded Brian and I of He-Man. So we invited a new superhero of the day...Captain Paint ma room. Aidan had so much fun. He would pick up a paintbrush and "stab" the wall. So funny. We laughed for some time. Aidan's favorite part of his ensemble, the head band. Funny huh!

Aidan showing us his fierce teeth.

Aidan on the prowl...


Steven and Megan said...

hahahaha! oh that cracks me up :) haha!

Debbie Burns said...

These are AWESOME!