Sunday, March 14, 2010

My sentiments, exactly

"For we pay a price for everything
we get or take in this world;
and although ambitions are well worth having,
they are not to be cheaply won,
but exact there dues of work and self-denial,
anxiety and discouragement."
L.M. Montgomery

Lately I have been reading a lot of "easy reading" or "silly romance novels." I never would have pictured myself reading such fodder. But after reading nearly everything published by Debbie Macomber and Anita Stansfield, I decided that I might as well continue this trend and read other books I would have never imagined picking up.

One night it was as though the book choose me. I looked over Anne of Green Gables many times but just in that moment it was the right time. This book was more difficult for me to read than "Hunt for Red October." I think it was because it was all rambling, for Anne rambles...a lot! But as I perservered and finally finished I realized how wonderful this book was and how grateful I was to have finished it. Thank you Grandma Armga for thinking so far ahead in my life to purchase such a gift when you did, some 20 years ago.

As I was reading the book some events came to pass. I finally received my diploma from Weber State University. After 12 hard and difficult years, I finally received my pay off. When I first took a look at the diploma I began to cry. I was thinking of all of the heartache, drama, self- loathing, struggles, arguments of mind over matter and dread that came with earning this degree. And then I had a rush of happiness, accomplishment, pride, exhilaration and planning.

Now that I have my degree I can't imagine my thirst for knowledge and intelligence to end. I will continue my education in ways that five years ago I would have never imagined. I probably won't go to law school. I can't see that in my future anymore. But I do see myself adding some form of culinary classes, language classes, craft classes, and quilting classes.

I found the quote by L.M. Montgomery in Anne of Green Gables, chapter 36 middle of the first paragraph. She in that one sentence has described a feeling that I have had for many years, one that I haven't been able to describe. Thank you Ms. Montgomery.

1 comment:

Suziepackham said...

You should be very proud of yourself, graduating from college is not an easy feat. congratulations!