Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Why do I want a house? Why do I want anything? I am truly spoiled but I hate games. I hate the loops that one needs to go through to get things done. I have no idea how anyone can feel productive if you micromanage things. Its ridiculous. I am not blaming anyone specific for my current state of turmoil..but...good gravy! Enough already!

Today has been a day! This week has been a week!

Brian has been playing phone tag and email tag all week trying to get paperwork done. And it has been one crazy loop after the other to jump through. And it is absolutely silly. "This paper is not as detailed as it should be try again", "This paper needs to be signed and faxed back", "This paper needs everyone to sign it that may or may not in your gene pool", "This check needs verification that it is a check","This check needs to be signed in blood, with a DNA test showing that you or any other member of your family is or is not a trouble maker". This is all an exaggration but I feel like phone tag and email tag and all the questions and loops are uncalled for. Damn economy!

Ladies and Gentlemen NOW is the time to buy a house! The economy needs you! The housing market is working in your favor!

If you bought into all of this are a good person. But be prepared...NOW is a fabulous time to buy. But because the economy is suffering be aware that those helping buyers get into homes are doing everything in there power to make sure that you can't screw up...not that we intend to. But now we are so.....AAAAAAAAAGHHHHHHHHGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! Compared to what others have told me....the games are more sophisticated, the loops are smaller, and those lending the money want to make sure that you are SUPER DUPER WITHOUT A DOUBT READY AND ABLE FOR SUCH A COMMITTMENT!

We are................just let us sign on the dotted line already!
Give us the keys already.

Thanks for the vent!

On a side note....

Brian was driving to work this morning when this happened.

Luckily he was fine, but the he was unable to make it into work. It took the tow truck 90 minutes to arrive and then, well, Brian needed a moment. And I don't blame him at all. What a dramatic week this week has been.

It will all be worth it.....right?

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