Thursday, June 4, 2009

Welcome home Larsons!

Last night we FINALLY got to sign the paperwork on our BRAND NEW HOUSE! Thank you Brian! HE was the one who bought me a house!

Some rudementary pictures of the floor plan. I couldn't sleep the other night...I was thinking, plotting, planning, etc. so I did these up on the computer. Silly I know!

Main floor level

Basement floor level

 done using the "paint" feature. I need to practice using that program. :)

After signing all of the paperwork...Brian and I decided to head to Olive Garden for a celebratory dinner. We were so happy and serene while at Olive Garden, we didn't talk much. But when we did with both had smiles on our faces. We mainly talked, planned, plotted, and thought about what wonderful things we could do and experience in our new home.

Thanks to all that have helped with everything to get us to this point. We GREATLY APPRECIATE ALL OF IT.

Now comes the planning of moving day.

Brian and I won't be getting the keys until late Saturday night-ish. So we need to plan a day during the week to move...more specifically after his work schedule. We can't do anything this Saturday because we have a concert to go to and next Saturday Brian and his sister are going through the temple for the first that's out.

If you are able to help out this week please let me know. I would like to coordinate times that we can get a group together. But we plan on taking loads over every night. Any help would be incredibly helpful and appreciated. Once we are settled....parties will be planned soon after. Yippie!

Thanks again to my Brian for buying me a house!


Cami said...

congrats! Looks adorable!

Dustin and Kellie said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like it's gonna be alot of fun decorating. Cute and if we were there we would help. Exciting!!!!Congrats!!!

Debbie Burns said...

I am totally available (like out-of-work-with-a-truck-so-call-me-anytime available). Just let me know the days so I can keep the truck home and send Joe to work with the car. Grats! Love you tons!

Amy said...

Congrats! way happy for you!

The Handleys said...

That is so exciting, you will have so much fun with the house. I am so happy for you guys.