Saturday, June 27, 2009

How old are you again?

So today has been one of those days, come to think of it...this week has been one of those weeks. Maybe its because I became another decade older, maybe its because of life and its overwhelming me. Maybe, just maybe it just needed to happen...but I have been needing my Mother all week. I know...ridiculous right! I am now thirty years old, have a husband and a child of my own, my own house and I need my Mom. I have been trying to ignore it but I have just concluded that sometimes a girl just needs her Mom. I recently found a poem that I got out of the newspaper years ago because I thought it was pretty. It is sure ringing true today!

My mother called the other day
I hadn't spoken with her for a while
My life's burdens were heavy
Her voice was like the spring to me
Blossoms, and green, and hope-
All bound with a gentle breeze and
warm sun on my back
Memories swept across my mind
And a lifetime passed--all in a
moment's time
Her soft voice was calling to me:
you can do it
it will be okay
you are beautiful
and I love you--always I love you.
My mother called the other day
I hadn't spoken with her for a while
And though I was all grown up
Her voice called to me:
you can do it
it will be okay
you are beautiful
I love you.
--Peg Hope

So I had been the one to call her...silly reason actually. But this poem describes exactly how her voice made me feel.

The house. The beautiful new house that we bought is beginning to be overwhelming. The rain has been a constant. Not every day, but every other day a good sized storm comes through and drops water on us. I love the rain, no big deal. But the grass and the yard are growing so fast I don't know what to do! I have developed weeds in my backyard that are so strong and set in there ways I can't get them out. I started to think, maybe these obnoxious things aren't weeds. I called my Mom for advice and a demand. I need you to visit NOW and when you come I need to be taught in all the ways of my mommy. How in the world did she do it all? I know my dad was around but I just remember my mom doing it all.... I don't understand how she did it all. She had a full time job (sometimes two!), four children, a house that was always clean and organized, and even though we never had the most elaboratly landscaped yard, it was always clean and green. How did she do it? She would even play sports and have us in some kind of recreational

I just wanted to point out that my mom, in her very unique, non chalant way always makes me feel better. Our conversations aren't very long or drawn out. But I love knowing that she is always there. I don't ever remember feeling this way but it is good to know that she is around and always a big matter how lame my reasoning or need....I love my mommy! And yes I need my mommy...all the time...and yes...I am 30 years old and I admit....

1 comment:

Dustin and Kellie said...

I've often wondered that. I am now home all day (with 5 kids- 3 are not my own- but still all day) and most days I can't get myself organized!! How did she do it?????