Thursday, December 10, 2009

"He he he, Dadda, he he he!"

The other night Aidan was lying in bed, watching his favorite movie Cars when we heard the following...."giggle giggle giggle Dadda giggle giggle giggle Dadda" over and over again. It took us a minute to figure out was going on, when we did we both giggled and reported to Aidan's room. Once in his room we found the following. A giggling 20 month old, pajama pants off, diaper off, tossed haphazardly onto my cedar chest (where they temporarily sit while we finish with diaper changes), and something wet all over the floor and the bedding in the crib. We couldn't be mad. When Aidan saw us he quickly babbled something about diaper, there, ut-oh, and potty. Upon further examination we noticed that the diaper he took off was already wet. So we have deduced that he didn't want the wet diaper on anymore and took it off, throwing in the spot where dirty diapers go. Then we he realized it was cold, oops. And then he was calling for Dadda (Dadda is any older human personage to Aidan) to come and see what happened. Here's another funny tidbit. After we got him changed and into new bed sheets, he got mad and demanded that we get him out of the crib. Finally we conceded, confused as to what was happening. At this point Aidan promptly walked over picked up the wet diaper that he removed himself and he immediately walked it to the kitchen garbage can, then demanded to return to his crib to watch Cars. Taking diapers to the garbage is his job and he takes it very seriously.

"He he he, Dadda, he he he!"


Steven and Megan said...

haha wow what a smart boy! I bet it will be easy to potty train him. Zoe likes to be in charge of throwing diapers away too

Anonymous said...

So cute..he is already taking his responsibilities serious. Makes me proud.

Debbie Burns said...

That is awesome! I love your little Aidan! (And his mommy, of course!)