Thursday, December 10, 2009

Layton Park Lights

Last Saturday night we was bored. You read me right. We was bored! We had done all of our shopping and stuff and was bored. So Brian and I decided to head over to the Layton Commons Park and walk around and see their lighting display. I have never actually walked around to see the lights, driven past yes always, but not walk through. We bundled Aidan up and headed out. Someone should start to remind these parents not to forget to bundle themselves up. What a nerd! Brian was prepared, I was not. I had on my hoodie. It was freezing. Needless to say it was a quick walk through, with some OOOOHHHHs and AAAWWWWEEEEs. And then we ran to the car for the wonderful warmth. Here are some of those pictures.

Aidan running ahead of Brian.
Aidan was excited and confused by everything.

Just a picture of the lights.
I have no idea what is in the snow.

1 comment:

Steven and Megan said...

Haha I did the same thing when we went to see the lights; bundled the kids up and forgot to bring warm things for myself. The lights were sure pretty though. Did Aidan make that snow angel?