Monday, December 14, 2009

Brian's first day on the new job

Today is Brian's first day at his new job, Juniper Systems. He left early this morning to drive into Ogden. He had on his clean clothes, had his new books and paper, he done did his hair, ate a yummy breakfast and remembered to take his lunch. Do I sound like a dotting Mother? I kind of am. I am so thrilled that Brian was offered this job. I am glad that all of his hard work paid off. I am even more glad that Brian was happy, content, and relaxed as he kissed me goodbye this morning. No more stress. No more worries, at least not just yet. I am so excited to hear how his day went!


Debbie Burns said...

So how did it go?!

KatieLarson said...

Fantastic! He loves his job, and the perks just keep on going. He found out today that he gets a "hiring" bonus. Freaking awesome!