Monday, December 7, 2009


This is my excuse. My last phone was quickly dying so Brian and I decided to take advantage of a sale on iPhones through AT&T. He was able to purchase an 8G Black iPhone for $50. I have never wanted an iPhone. They scare me. I like my old school dang near indestructable Motorola Slvr. See next photo. But when the time came to purchase a phone, the prices on the iPhone have become relatively reasonable. We knowingly didn't get the big Kahuna 16G phone because there is no way I would utilize all of it.
My new favorite thing about my phone...Scrabble! They have applications that you can either buy or find for free to put onto your phone. I don't know if this version of Scrabble is free or purchased but I love it. Thanks to Brian for hooking me up.

Also last night Brian and I were browsing through the app store and found this app.
A piano. These keys actually play the correct notes as found on or around middle C. Aidan is loving this already. I am beginning to see the benefits to the iPhone. Because of this app we went on to find other educational games that would entertain our young Aidan. We found a game that helps him with his shapes and another with his words. There are numerous apps for him on my phone now. Wonderful! Now something good can come from this expensive gift other than Facebooking where ever and when ever.

This doesn't excuse my lack of blogging, it adds to it, really. I am now using my iPhone as a camera and can't figure out how to pull them off yet. So once I figure that out, watch out! You will get a mammoth posting of different entries.


Steven and Megan said...

Im glad you are liking the iPhone. I sometimes lay in bed at night browsing all the free apps.

Suziepackham said...

you're too funny. you deserve a nice phone even if they didn't have apps for the boy. LOL.... glad you're liking it tho.

Lyssa said...

I love my iPhone. It is without a doubt the best phone I have ever had. Emmie also likes it. I have a bunch of apps on it for her. I'm scared to death about breaking it though.